


Feature #5981

Updated by osmith about 1 year ago

TIC/Rhizomatica is using the @osmocom:latest@ feeds for most of their osmo-* packages on their (mostly Debian 10) machines, but have a few self-built packages on top (from a private feed). 

 We've discussed two topics during a recent call with @keith: 

 * having a feed for _testing patches/fixes_ in situations where one of the osmocom developers has some not-in-latest patch that they want to deploy to (and test) on certain TIC/rhizomatica networks 
 ** this feed should automatically automaticall build packages from osmo-* git repo branch, e.g. @rhizomatica/testing@ (if such a branch exists) 
 ** this feed would only contain those packages for which currently said branch exists.    All other packages are used from @osmocom:latest@ 
 ** if said branch is removed form a given osmo-* git repo, the package should also disappear, making the version @osmocom:latest@ again the _best available version_ 

 In addition, there was also the suggestion whether or not the custom, hand-built _production_ packages on TIC/Rhizomatica systems could be built via jenkins/obs.    This would remove the burden of manually building those packages and maintaining related feeds, and instead @keith would just push to a related branch on the git repo at, which would trigger the package build, ... 

 It could use the same mechanism as suggested sugested for _rhizomatica/testing_ above, resulting resultign in the following hierarchy: 

 * @osmocom:latest@ as basis/fall-back. 
 ** feed configured on all TIC systems 
 * @rhizomatica:production@ for those packages that require additional rhizomatica-specific patches. 
 ** uses @osmocom:latest@ to resolve its depenencies 
 ** only built for packages where a related @rhizomatica/production@ @rhizomatica/testing@ branch exists in the osmo-*.git repo.  
 ** feed configured on all TIC systems 
 * @rhizomatica:testing@ for very few select packages where any of us wants to test something on a TIC system 
 ** uses @rhizomatica:production@ to resolve its dependencies 
 ** only built for packages where a related @rhizomatica/testing@ @rhizomatica/production@ branch exists in the osmo-*.git repo. 
 ** feed configured only on some (typically one) TIC system to test a specific code change 

 The most relevant distro for those builds right now is Debian 10.    Not sure if only x86_64 or also 32bit x86 builds are required?


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