


Bug #6453

Updated by laforge 2 months ago

I have tried to store an access rule in a SIM with aram applet and I get this error: 

 pySIM-shell (00:MF/ADF.ARA-M)> aram_store_ref_ar_do --aid ffffffffffff --device-app-id E849B63A7B96E571F788FC5845C4AA3C520D18E8 --android-permissions 0000000000000001 

 ValueError: Dict [{'ref_ar_do': [{'ref_do': [{'aid_ref_do': 'ffffffffffff'}, {'dev_app_id_ref_do': 'E849B63A7B96E571F788FC5845C4AA3C520D18E8'}]}, {'ar_do': [{'perm_ar_do': {'permissions': '0000000000000001'}}]}]}] doesn't contain expected key command_store_ref_ar_do 
 EXCEPTION of type 'ValueError' occurred with message: Dict [{'ref_ar_do': [{'ref_do': [{'aid_ref_do': 'ffffffffffff'}, {'dev_app_id_ref_do': 'E849B63A7B96E571F788FC5845C4AA3C520D18E8'}]}, {'ar_do': [{'perm_ar_do': {'permissions': '0000000000000001'}}]}]}] doesn't contain expected key command_store_ref_ar_do 


 Looking at the code ( I have found that encoding "from_dict" recursive method is not working properly and I haven't been able to fix it.


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