


GMR-1 dissection merged in Wireshark mainline

Added by tnt over 12 years ago

All the current patches that were pending in the sylvain/gmr branch of our osmocom Wireshark tree have now been merged into the official trunk. Thanks to the Wireshark folks for reviewing them and merging them quickly.

What's supported :

  • BCCH partial support (segment 1/2A/3A fully dissected)
  • CCCH partial support (all messages ever seen on Thuraya are supported)
  • RR partial support (all messages ever seen on Thuraya are supported)
  • MM/CC forwarded to GSM dissectors and are mostly correct

The sylvain/gmr branch will now be removed but may re-appear in the future if new dissectors are written. Basically if we have new gmr stuff pending inclusion it'll be in that branch, and if the branch doesn't exist it just means the official trunk contains everything so far.


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