



PHDays 2012 - Abusing Calypso talk

Added by laforge about 12 years ago

Osmocom-BB team member Sylvain Munaut gave a talk at PHDays 2012 about abusing the calypso phones.

It mostly focus on the technical details of the DSP hacking that was done previously to use those phones as passive sniffer and demonstrates some more hacking to turn those phones into BTS.

The talk video is available ​here and the slides are available ​here

OsmocomBB RSSI monitor firmware

Added by laforge over 12 years ago

OsmocomBB team member Andreas Eversberg has been working on a new RSSI monitor firmware application within OsmocomBB.

Using this firmware, it is possible to monitor the RSSI of individual ARFCNs or even the entire spectrum.

Depending on the hardware capabilities (e.g. Hardware/FilterReplacement), it is also possible to measure the uplink RSSI.

More details are available at rssi.bin.

The current status of this firmware is available from the laforge/monitor branch in git, but is expected to be merged soon into master.

Slides of sideband GSM sniffing talk at 27c3

Added by laforge over 13 years ago

Sylvain Munaut was presenting on Wideband GSM Sniffing at the 27th annual Chaos Communication Congress, where he was using a series of four phones running OsmocomBB as a GSM packet sniffer.

The slides are available from

A preliminary video recording (simple dump of the stream) can be found at ​from this mirror

Please note: This talk was using a lot of custom software that has not been released and is not part of OsmocomBB. For more details, read ​this mailing list post by Sylvain Munaut


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