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steve-m, 02/19/2016 10:48 PM
add a tutorial for high baudrates with CP210x converters

CP210x High Baudrates Tutorial

This page will describe the procedure of programming high, non-standard baudrate mappings to a !SiLabs CP210x serial converter using Linux, needed by the burst_ind branch.
These adapters can be bought quite cheaply on eBay and !AliExpress. So far this tutorial has only been tested with the CP2102, but this seems to be the most common chip anyway.

=== How it works ===

Contrary to the FTDI converters, non-standard baudrates can't be directly requested when opening the port, but need to be stored in the EEPROM of the device, overwriting the default entries.
So it works like this: You open the port with a standard baudrate, the converter performs a look-up in the baudrate-table of its EEPROM and uses the non-standard mapping you programmed.

If you have a [wiki:PirelliDPL10 Pirelli DP-L10] you don't need to continue, the CP2102 in the phone has those mappings already preprogrammed.

=== Programming non-standard mappings ===

First of all you need to download and unpack the lastest version of [ cp210x-program], an open-source tool replacing the proprietary windows-only tool from !SiLabs (see application note AN205 if you want to mess with that).

To make sure cp210x-program will be the only one talking to the converter, unload the kernel module:

sudo rmmod cp210x

After that, perform a dry-run to see everything is okay:

sudo ./cp210x-program

The tool should output the device-string of the converter, some other information, and a baudrate table with the following default entries: {{{
[baudrate table]
921600 = FFE6, FFF6, 1 # 923077 Baud, 20 us
460800 = FFCC, FFEC, 1 # 461538 Baud, 40 us
230400 = FF98, FFD9, 1 # 230769 Baud, 78 us
115200 = FF30, FFB2, 1 # 115385 Baud, 156 us

Okay, now to the real thing: create a backup of the EEPROM:

sudo ./cp210x-program -f eeprom.hex

The next step is to program the modified, non-standard baudrates:

sudo ./cp210x-program -p -F eeprom.hex -w --set-baudrate 812500:FFE2,FFF4,1 --set-baudrate 406250:FFC5,FFE9,1 --set-baudrate 203125:FF8A,FFD3,1

Check the entries have been written successfully:

sudo ./cp210x-program

You should see the following entries:

[baudrate table]
812500 = FFE2, FFF4, 1 # 800000 Baud, 24 us
406250 = FFC5, FFE9, 1 # 406780 Baud, 46 us
203125 = FF8A, FFD3, 1 # 203390 Baud, 90 us
115200 = FF30, FFB2, 1 # 115385 Baud, 156 us

Replug the converter and you're done.

=== Using burst_ind ===

If you want to use the burst_ind branch with a CP210x converter you need to apply the attached patch.

Updated by steve-m over 8 years ago · 1 revisions

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