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fixeria, 01/21/2019 02:34 AM


The OsmocomBB source code comes with several applications for various purposes.
Those applications can be devided into two separate classes, applications:
  • running on the baseband chip of the phone
  • running on a PC, communicating with the baseband firmware over serial
Applications running on the PC can further be partitioned into:
  • Firmware management software (loading, flashing, ...)
  • GSM Layer 2/3 applications

The following will provide you a rough overview of the most commonly used software pieces.

Baseband firmware

Binary location: src/target/firmware/board/*/*.bin
Source locations: src/target/firmware/, particularly apps and layer1


layer1bin is a simple GSM layer 1 proxy, communicating over the L1A_L23_Interface.

This allows you to run a full-blown GSM implementation on your host machine, communicating through the phones radio interface.


loaderbin is our flash loader, dumper and second stage bootloader

l1test (deprecated)

Layer 1 development application.

This application does what layer1 does, but automatically tunes to the strongest ARFCN it can find.

It can be used for stand-alone-testing of the phones radio.


Our Bootloader, available in various build configurations.


Application for dumping the contents of the DSP in the Calypso chip.

compal_dumper (deprecated)

The old Compal device dumper. Use compal_dsp_dump instead.


The initial obligatory "Hello, world!" application.

Currently, this does more than say hello. Intended as a template for new applications.


Boot menu application to select and load apps that are stored in flash memory. See flashing_new.


The Rssibin can be used to monitor the received signal indication (RSSI) of ARFCNs or the entire spectrum.


The EMI (electro magnetic interference) simulator application can be used to generate RF interference caused by GSM networks an mobile station. See emi-firmware.

Firmware management software

Location (source and binary): src/host/osmocon


osmocon is a console tool for interfacing our baseband firmware on the phone with applications on the host PC.

It is responsible for downloading a baseband firmware or bootloader into the phone and relay communication between Layer 3 applications and baseband firmwares over serial.


osmoload is used to write, dump and examine flash memory of supported phones.

You will need this program for example if you intent flashing an application to the phone (the software is usually loaded into RAM).


The calypso_pll tool can be used to calculate Calypso DPLL multiplier+divider.


The rita_pll tool can be used to calculate the Rita PLL multiplier/divider.

Updated by fixeria over 5 years ago · 15 revisions

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