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Anonymous, 02/19/2016 10:49 PM
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OsmocomBB Getting Started Guide

This page will describe how to compile the firmware, the host utilities and how to use them.

=== Compiling osmocomBB ===
osmocomBB consists out of software that is intended to be run on the phone (target) and the host system.

==== Depenendencies for the host ====
osmocomBB requires GNU autoconf, automake, libtool, pkg-config, make and GCC to compile. You will
also need to use git to access and update the sources. There should be no other depedencies. The name
of these packages depend on the distribution used. To

For Debian the package names are: {{{
sudo aptitude install libtool autoconf git-core pkg-config make gcc

==== Depenendencies for the target ====
To compile software for the target we need a GNU Toolchain for ARM. There are various pre-compiled toolchains
available but not all of them will produce working firmware. We will try to support all these configurations but it
might take a while to identify the source of a problem.

==== Getting the source ==== {{{
git clone git://

Updated by over 8 years ago · 1 revisions

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