


Software Getting Started » History » Revision 26

Revision 25 (Anonymous, 02/19/2016 10:49 PM) → Revision 26/33 (Anonymous, 02/19/2016 10:49 PM)

 h2. [[OsmocomBB]] == OsmocomBB Getting Started Guide 


 This page will describe how to compile the firmware, the host utilities and how to use them. 
 If you haven't done so already, checkout [[PreliminaryRequirements]] 

 h3. [wiki:PreliminaryRequirements] 

 === Compiling osmocomBB 

 osmocomBB consists out of software that is intended to be run on the phone (target) and the host system. 


 ==== Dependencies for the host 


 osmocomBB requires GNU autoconf, automake, libtool, pkg-config, make and GCC to compile. 
 The name of these packages depend on the distribution used. You will also need git to access and update the sources. 
 For Debian(and Debian-like distros), these packages can be installed using: 
 <code class="sh"> 
 sudo aptitude install libtool shtool automake autoconf git-core pkg-config make gcc 


 For osmocomBB, as for several other osmocom projects, you will also need [[libosmocore]]. [wiki:libosmocore]. Note: Although libosmocore is included when getting osmocom-bb from the git repository, you have to install it separately. The libosmocore subtree is only used to compile the embedded ARM version of libosmocore. 


 ==== Dependencies for the target 


 To compile osmocomBB or SIMtrace for the target we *need '''need a GNU [[toolchain]] [wiki:toolchain] for ARM.* 

 h4. ARM.''' 

 ==== Getting and updating the source 

 <code class="sh"> 

 git clone git:// 
 cd osmocom-bb 
 git pull --rebase 

 h4. }}} 

 ==== Building the source 

 Compiling both the target and the host code will happen with the following command. It assumes that the *arm-elf-gcc* '''arm-elf-gcc''' 
 is* is''' inside the current path._ path.'' 

 <code class="sh"> 
 cd src 


 If your GCC binary that produces ARM code is not called *arm-elf-gcc* '''arm-elf-gcc''' you will need to invoke the following statement 
 and provide the basename of the toolchain with the ending *-*. '''-'''. 

 <code class="sh"> 
 cd src 


 If no error has occured you will have the firmware binaries in _src/target/firmware/board/compal_e88/*.bin_ ''src/target/firmware/board/compal_e88/*.bin'' that can be 
 used with the Motorola C123. You also have the binaries to run on your host in _src/host/osmocon/osmocon_, ''src/host/osmocon/osmocon'', in  
 _src/host/layer23/src/misc_ ''src/host/layer23/src/misc'' and _layer23/src/mobile_. 

 h3. ''layer23/src/mobile''. 

 === Running osmocomBB 

 The original bootloader of Compal and others are built in a way to load code via the serial interface. The [[osmocon]] [wiki:osmocon] 
 utility implements this protocol and can upload the firmware. Please refer the [[osmocon]] [wiki:osmocon] wiki page for details on how to use 
 it properly. 

 After the firmware has been loaded, the [[osmocon]] [wiki:osmocon] application will print the output of the serial console 
 and it provides a unix domain socket that another layer of software can connect to. In the case of osmocomBB 
 this higher layer software is called [[ccch_scan]] [wiki:ccch_scan] and is actually a group of binaries providing different functionality. Please 
 see [[ccch_scan]] [wiki:ccch_scan] for the details. 

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