



Latest Builds

If you require current master version of the Osmocom GSM related software, go have a look at the Nightly_Builds alternative. NOTE: USE NIGHTLY BUILDS ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT/TESTING.

sysmocom has set up package builds for the latest version tag of the Osmocom GSM related software.

The packages are built for various Linux distributions, find the complete list at the OBS page:

A nice status overview on the builds is available at

Browse the published binary packages at:

How to use the osmocom:latest builds

Debian based distributions

Using extrepo (Debian only)

# apt install extrepo
# extrepo enable osmocom-latest

Manually (Debian, Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS)

Replace Debian_XX with your distribution name, as found here.

$ sudo su
# wget $OSMOCOM_REPO/Release.key
# sha256sum Release.key
1d0e8f6e67b84b6262767596a183d585c9a26cba793bbc862eb16fa3762db4b7  Release.key
# mv Release.key /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/osmocom-latest.asc
# echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/osmocom-latest.asc] $OSMOCOM_REPO/ ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmocom-latest.list
# apt-get update
# exit

Raspberry Pi OS

Follow the instructions above, and replace Debian_XX with:
  • 64-bit: Debian_11
  • 32-bit: Raspbian_11

This example is for Raspberry Pi OS 11, adjust the number accordingly.

Apt Pinning

If you want to make sure that osmocom packages are always preferred over your distribution's upstream packages with the same name, see Apt_Pinning

How are those builds created?

See OBS Maintenance.

Historical Archives / Older Packages

If you are interested in a historical archive of previous / older packages, you can find it at - it contains a daily mirror of the entire osmocom: OBS hierarchy, including the latest builds. The full URL e.g. for Raspbian 10 of April 22nd, 2021 would be

Updated by osmith 2 months ago · 45 revisions

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