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neels, 10/19/2017 11:49 PM

Osmocom Network In The Box

OsmoNITB R.I.P., long live the Network In The Box

Historically, Osmocom offered the OsmoNITB "Network-In-The-Box" as an actual single program. It was a useful simplification at the time, but in 2017, Osmocom have decided to split OsmoNITB into programs more closely resembling traditional network architecture. It is recommended to use the new separate components instead of the OsmoNITB, since active development focus has moved there.

It is still very much possible to run a complete Osmocom core network in one "box". For example, a sysmoBTS can run the entire core network on the same hardware that drives the TRX, making it a complete network in actually one single box. At the same time, having separate components also allows scaling to large deployments, with properly distributed load and a central subscriber database.

To migrate from OsmoNITB to the new separate programs, see the OsmoNITB Migration Guide.

Part of this Complete Network

Assuming that you have your radio hardware ready (a BTS, a femto cell or an SDR driven by osmo-trx), the core network consists of separate programs providing voice/SMS/USSD ("circuit-switched") and data ("packet-switched") services.

Circuit-Switched Components

To run a circuit-switched core network, you need:

  • OsmoHLR -- Home Location Register, stores subscriber IMSI, phone number and auth tokens.
  • OsmoMSC -- Mobile Switching Center, handles signalling, i.e. attach/detach of subscribers, call establishment, messaging (SMS and USSD).
  • OsmoMGW -- Media Gateway, is instructed by the MSC and/or the BSC to direct RTP streams for active voice calls.
  • OsmoSTP -- Signal Transfer Point, routes SCCP messages between MSC, BSC, HNBGW and for 3G also the SGSN.
  • OsmoBSC -- 2G Base Station Controller, manages logical channels and other lower level aspects for one or more 2G BTS; it is technically part of the BSS and not the "core network".
  • OsmoHNBGW -- 3G HomeNodeB Gateway, receives the Iuh protocol from a 3G femto cell and forwards to MSC and SGSN by SCCP/M3UA via OsmoSTP.

Packet-Switched Components

  • OsmoGGSN -- Gateway GPRS Support Node, "opens" GTP tunnels received from SGSNs to internet uplink.
  • OsmoSGSN -- Serving GPRS Support Node, handles signalling, i.e. attach/detach of subscribers and PDP contexts.
  • OsmoHLR -- same as for circuit switched, see above.
  • OsmoHNBGW -- for 3G packet switched networks, same as for 3G circuit switched, see above.
  • (OsmoPCU -- for 2G networks, a component closely tied to the BTS, drives the TRX and ties to the SGSN via Gb-interface.)

Configuration Example

Have to Know

Each program features a detailed user manual, your primary source of information to expand on the setup described here.

Osmocom offers compiled packages for various distributions. If you're up to it, you may also Build from Source.

Each Osmocom program typically has

  • a distinct configuration file;
  • a VTY telnet console for live interaction;
  • a CTRL interface for live interaction with 3rd party programs.


See the manual on creating a subscriber database, and add one or more subscribers.

While you do need one, your configuration file may actually remain empty. This will serve GSUP on localhost (, sufficient for a Network In The Box.


The VLR component of OsmoMSC needs to connect to the OsmoHLR's GSUP server to know which subscribers are authorized. By default, it will connect to OsmoHLR on localhost, no explicit config needed.

To be reachable by OsmoBSC and OsmoHNBGW, it needs an SCCP point code, and it needs to connect to OsmoSTP to make itself known to SCCP routing.

  • There is a default point code, currently 0.23.1 (in 8.8.3 point code format).
  • OsmoMSC will by default look for OsmoSTP on localhost's M3UA port, 2905.

To direct RTP streams, OsmoMSC needs an OsmoMGW instance. By default, it will look for an MGW on localhost and the default MGCP port, 4222.

Again, your config file may remain empty.


The Media Gateway receives instructions in the form of MGCP messages from OsmoMSC. It forwards RTP streams directly between BTS, femto cells and remote endpoints, e.g. other MGW instances.

Its RTP IP address must be reachable by the BTS / the femto cell.

  • In a setup that truly runs in one box (e.g. sysmoBTS or osmo-trx with co-located core network), this may be localhost (
  • With a separate BTS or RNC (e.g. 3G femto cell or nanoBTS), make sure to configure an IP address that is reachable.


  local ip
  bind ip

The default is to allow any BTS / femto cell IP address to connect.

(Near future: a second OsmoMGW may be needed to run alongside each OsmoBSC instance.)


OsmoSTP acts as a server for routing messages. OsmoMSC, OsmoBSC, OsmoHNBGW and OsmoSGSN contact OsmoSTP and announce their own point code, after which they may instruct OsmoSTP to route SCCP messages to each other by these point codes.

The basic configuration that permits dynamic routing is:


cs7 instance 0
 xua rkm routing-key-allocation dynamic-permitted
 listen m3ua 2905
  accept-asp-connections dynamic-permitted


OsmoBSC needs to register with OsmoSTP, and contact the MSC by its point code.

OsmoBSC also needs complete configuration of all connected BTS. This example shows configuration for a sysmoBTS.

Furthermore, some network properties need to be set.


 network country code 901
 mobile network code 70
 mm info 1
 short name Osmocom
 long name Osmocom
 auth policy closed
 encryption a5 0
 bts 0
  type sysmobts
  band GSM-1800
  cell_identity 0
  location_area_code 23
  ip.access unit_id 1800 0
  gprs mode none
  trx 0
   rf_locked 0
   arfcn 868
   nominal power 23
   timeslot 0
    phys_chan_config CCCH+SDCCH4
   timeslot 1
    phys_chan_config SDCCH8
   timeslot 2
    phys_chan_config TCH/H
   timeslot 3
    phys_chan_config TCH/H
   timeslot 4
    phys_chan_config TCH/H
   timeslot 5
    phys_chan_config TCH/H
   timeslot 6
    phys_chan_config TCH/H
   timeslot 7
    phys_chan_config TCH/H
cs7 instance 0
 ! osmo-bsc's own point code
 point-code 0.42.0
 ! address book entry named 'msc_remote', used below
 sccp-address msc_remote
  point-code 0.23.1
msc 0
 msc-addr msc_remote


For connecting a 3G hNodeB (femto cell), OsmoHNBGW is needed to receive Iuh and forward IuCS and IuPS. For a pure 2G setup, no HNBGW is needed.

OsmoHNBGW needs to connect to OsmoSTP for routing, and needs to know the MSC and SGSN point codes. It must also be reachable by the hNodeB, hence it must typically run on a public IP, not a loopback address like


cs7 instance 0
 ! OsmoHNBGW's own local point code
 point-code 0.3.0
 ! Address book entries, used below
 sccp-address msc
  point-code 0.23.1
 sccp-address sgsn
  point-code 0.23.2
  remote-addr msc
  remote-addr sgsn

Updated by neels over 6 years ago · 12 revisions

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