


Sagem OPS 940 » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (laforge, 01/21/2023 08:41 PM) → Revision 6/7 (laforge, 01/21/2023 08:45 PM)

h1. Sagem OPS 940 


 The Sagem OPS 940 is a GSM-R handset produced by the french manufacturer Sagem.    It was used at Deutsche Bahn, the German railway company.    The product had to be discontinued in 2006 due to it not being RoHS compliant. 

 h2. Internal pictures 

 h3. UI board 

 The UI board has Display and Keypad attached to it.    It connects to the mainboard via a FPC connector.    It (naturally) is located topmost above the mainboard in the overall stack. 



 h3. Mainboard 

 The mainboard was taken from another phone (maybe the GPH?). It is based around a Ti chipset (HERCROM200 / F741529AGHH + TWL3012 - most likely predecessors of the [[osmocombb:TI_Calypso_Chipset]] we know from [[osmocombb:|OsmocomBB]] GPH?) 


 The mainboard is placed into some kind of plastic holder. You can see the unused push button areas underneath it 


 h3. Battery + Antenna board 

 This is the lowest board of the sandwich/stack in the unit.    It connects to the battery contacts of the mainboard and connects them with the actual battery contacts.   


 h2. Battery 


 h3. Battery internal circuit boards 


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