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laforge, 05/04/2018 09:54 PM

Atmel SAM Approach

This page describes a proposed approach of implementing the E1 adapter using osmo-e1-xcvr and an Atmel SAMx microcontroller, suhc as a SAM3S or SAM4S.


  • the SAM controls the LIU via SPI
  • the SAM attaches to the host via USB
  • The SAM SSC Peripheral is used to interface to the receive + transmit bit-streams of the LIU
  • The SAM3 TC Peripheral is used for Rx frame alignment


  • SSC can receive/transmit synchronous serial bit streams with external or internal clock
  • SSC supports DMA operation between the (de)serializer and RAM using PDC (peripheral DMA controller)
  • SSC can run either
    • continously (frame alignment done in software [possibly using bit-banding], as no octet alignment of frames), or
    • triggered by RF input, which we supply from SSC (see below) with hardware-assisted frame alignment

Frame Alignment using TC (Timer/Counter)

The idea is to use one of the TC units to perform hardware-assisted frame alignment and this way prevent us from having to do tons of bit-shifting in software in order to align the start of the 256 bit E1 frame with an octet boundary.

  • received clock is fed into TCLKx
  • internal 16-bit counter is set to count up to 256 (one frame duration)
  • TC is operated in WAVEFORM mode
  • TIOA or TIOB are operated as output routed to the SSC RF (receive frame) input
  • Ra/Rb/Rc registers are used to shift the rising and falling edge of the TIOA/TIOB signal within the 256bit frame

Updated by laforge about 6 years ago · 1 revisions

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