


RUS HSIO Connector » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (laforge, 08/15/2019 03:59 PM) → Revision 5/6 (laforge, 08/15/2019 04:18 PM)

h1. RUS HSIO Connector 

 This page is trying to collect some information about the RUS HSIO connector, i.e. the SFP-like connector on the RUS. 

 h2. top side 

 This sie contains pins 12 .. 22, where the outer for pins are not used at all, and three are GND resulting in only four signals (two pairs) on this side.    They contain the Rx and Tx pair from the SFP side. 


 |15|SFP TD_N| 
 |16|SFP TD_P| 
 |18|SFP RD_P| 
 |19|SFP RD_N| 

 h2. bottom side 


 |1|| |1|unused| 
 |2|| |2|unused| 

 It's yet unknown what those signals are.    They are apparently not connected to the SFP end of the SFP-to-HSIO cables.
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