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ptrkrysik, 07/06/2018 08:10 PM
Installation from packages

Manual compilation and installation

Currently manual method of installation is considered to be the easiest way to get newest version of gr-gsm up and running. The gr-gsm repository contains automatic tests of manual installation in form of dockerfiles that are built and executed by Travis CI continuous integration service. Travis CI informs if particular revision of gr-gsm builds and passes tests on a set of GNU/Linux distributions. History of the results can be checked on the gr-gsm's Travis CI page.

The instructions presented here are a version of dockerfiles: with stripped instructions specific to docker and without running unit tests. This wiki might at some moment be behind installation procedures contained in the dockerfiles: so in case of installation problems it is a good idea to look in there.

Debbian-based distributions (Debian Testing, Ubuntu 16.04+, Kali Rolling Edition)

Install all needed prerequisites with following command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y \
    cmake \
    autoconf \
    libtool \
    pkg-config \
    build-essential \
    python-docutils \
    libcppunit-dev \
    swig \
    doxygen \
    liblog4cpp5-dev \
    python-scipy \
    gnuradio-dev \
    gr-osmosdr \

Currently on Debian Testing and Kali Rolling execution of following command is needed:

 sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 

It is a workaround due to an issue with faulty libvolk installation on these systems at the moment.

git clone
cd gr-gsm
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
mkdir $HOME/.grc_gnuradio/ $HOME/.gnuradio/
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

To speedup compilation instead of "make" you can use parallel build

make -j $nproc
where "$nproc" is number of CPU cores. The "mkdir $HOME/.grc_gnuradio/ $HOME/.gnuradio/" line is there because without it parallel build sometimes fails.

Fedora 26

Install all needed prerequisites with following command invoked with root's rights:

dnf install -y \
    gcc-c++ \
    make \
    cmake \
    pkgconfig \
    boost-devel \
    gnuradio-devel \
    libosmocore-devel \
    gr-osmosdr \
    swig \
    doxygen \
    python2-docutils \

Then download the gr-gsm's source and build it with following commands:

git clone
cd gr-gsm
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
mkdir $HOME/.grc_gnuradio/ $HOME/.gnuradio/

and as root:

make install

To speedup compilation instead of "make" you can use parallel build

make -j $nproc
where "$nproc" is number of CPU cores. The "mkdir $HOME/.grc_gnuradio/ $HOME/.gnuradio/" line is there because without it parallel build sometimes fails.

Installation from packages on Debian Testing and Ubuntu 18.04+

Thanks to work of Petter Reinholdtsen gr-gsm has packages for Debian Testing that were subsequently included in Ubuntu starting from 18.04. On these systems gr-gsm can be installed by simply doing:

sudo apt-get install

As of gr-gsm's version 0.41.2 grgsm_livemon application doesn't work because of change of PyQT version in current Debian Testing and Ubuntu 18.04. In order to use this program you can generate new version out of "grgsm_livemon.grc":

grcc -d . grgsm_livemon.grc
mv grgsm_livemon

Then move the grgsm_livemon file into a directory in the search path, i.e. /usr/local/bin.

Updated by ptrkrysik about 6 years ago · 10 revisions

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