


Gigaset Elements Base » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (laforge, 12/11/2022 07:58 PM) → Revision 2/10 (laforge, 12/11/2022 08:09 PM)

h1. Gigaset Elements Base 


 h2. Hardware 

 * Dialog SC14452 CR16C based DECT SoC 
 * Dialog LMX4181 RF frontend 
 * Winbond W9825G6KH-6 RAM 


 h3. Connectors / Test Pads 

 h4. 3-pin UART header 

 There is an unpopulated 3-pin 2.54mm header on the board.    It has the following pin-out, in left-toright direction when looking at the component side of the PCBA with the ethernet jack facing downwards: 

 |left|P0 [1] / URX| 
 |right|P0 [0] / UTX| 

 The voltage of the UART is about 3.2V; the data sheet states up to 3.45V should be fine, so a normal 3.3V UART should work. 

 h4. 2-pin jumper 

 There is an unpopulated 2-pin 2.54mm header on the board. It has the following pin-out, in left-toright direction when looking at the component side of the PCBA with the ethernet jack facing downwards: 

 |right|P2 [5] / ADC1| 

 h4. Row of large test pads 

 There is a row of large (3mm?) test pads close to the unpopulated 3pin header / 2pin jumper. It has the following pin-out, in left-toright direction when looking at the component side of the PCBA with the ethernet jack facing downwards: 

 |1 (left)|P2 [5] / ADC1| 
 |2|6.5V voltage input| 
 |4|P0 [1] / URX| 
 |5 (right)|P0 [0] / UTX| 

 h4. test pads on the back side 

 FIXME: Picture with annotations.    So far we know the single-wire JTAG pin. 

 h2. Open Source Tarball 

 In remarkably good compliance with the GNU GPLv2, Gigaset has published a tarball containing the _complete and corresponding_ soure code for the open source parts of the firmware. 

 h2. building 

 It can be built on a current (Debian 11) system, if you install the following dependencies: 

 apt install genromfs build-essential default-jdk gcc-multilib lib32z1 
 dpkg --add-architecture i386 
 apt update 
 apt install liblzo2-2:i386 

 After that, you shoul be able to compile it using the instructions from the README_BUILDING file that's in the source code. 

 h2. flashing 

 HomeConnector_001.000.026/uniprog $ ./ 
 Creating empty file: 
    size           0 kB 
    file:         'reef_boot_rec_sys_fs.bin' 

 Inserting image file: 
    file          'image452.bin' 
    at offset      0 
    size           131072 

 Inserting image file: 
    file          '../reef_vmlinuz-recovery' 
    at offset      131072 
    size           819200 

 Inserting image file: 
    file          '../reef_vmlinuz' 
    at offset      950272 
    size           2560000 

 Not creating new filesystem image. 
 Using old one: ../reef_fs.bin 

 Inserting image file: 
    file          '../reef_fs.bin' 
    at offset      3510272 
    size           1138688 

 /tmp/HomeConnector_001.000.026 /tmp/HomeConnector_001.000.026/uniprog 
  Image: / (size 4648960) created. 

 To skip this question, you can assign serial port to environment variable PROGRAM_PORT or PORT 

 Please choose serial port: 
 1) ttyS0        3) ttyS2       5) ttyUSB0     7) ttyUSB2     9) ttyUSB4 
 2) ttyS1        4) ttyS3       6) ttyUSB1     8) ttyUSB3    10) ttyUSB5 
 #? 10 
 Programming HW via /dev/ttyUSB5 

 Please do following things: 
 1. Push "Program" button, 
 2. Push "Reset" button, 
 3. Pop "Reset" button, 
 4. Pop "Program" button. 
 Be patient 

 Programmer File Size 3464 
 Programmer File CRC 0x6E 
 Image File Size 4648960 
 Image File CRC 0x62 

 --- IDLE --- 
 Uart RX[1]=0xFE,... 
 state IDLE rec: 0xFE 

 --- IDLE --- 
 Uart RX[1]=0x02,... 
 state IDLE rec: 0x02 
 Uart TX[3]=0x01,... 
 Downloading programmer & image... 

 --- WAIT_ACK --- 
 Uart RX[1]=0x06,... 
 state WAIT_ACK rec: 0x06 
 ACK received, flashing loader (size 3464)... 
 Uart TX[3464]=0x04,... 

 --- WAIT_CRC --- 
 Uart RX[1]=0x6E,... 
 CRC expected 6E, received 6E CRC OK 
 Uart TX[1]=0x06,... 


 --- PROG_IDLE --- 
 Uart RX[1]=0x05,... 
 Writing image header... 
 Uart TX[5]=0x03,... 

 --- PROG_WAIT_ACK --- 
 Uart RX[1]=0x07,... 
 Writing image (size 4648960)... 
 Uart TX[4648960]=0x70,... 

 --- PROG_WAIT_CRC --- 
 Uart RX 

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