



Osmocom discourse forums as alternative to mailing lists

Added by laforge almost 1 year ago

While many people with a long history in FOSS development have no issues at all with mailing lists as primary form of engaging with their community, they have undoubtedly fallen out of fashion in favor of various chat/messaging systems or web based forums.

In Osmocom, we've just launched an installation of the discourse forum software available at providing an alternative to our traditional mailing lists

We're looking forward to see whether this web-based approach will facilitate more and/or other people to engage with the Osmocom developer/contributor community.

Feel free to join and get the discussions started. If there's a need for more categories or sub-categories, just let one of the moderators know and we can help with that.

The old mailing lists will continue to remain available for those who prefer them.

Osmocom now accepts financial contributions

Added by laforge about 6 years ago

The Osmocom project (if you count its predecessor OpenBSC) have been running for close to 10 years, creating a large number of Open Source projects related to mobile communications. We have never needed nor wanted any legal entity for it. It's a pure/classic FOSS project, open to contributions from anyone.

Until today, you could only contribute in one of the following forms:

  • by writing code (bug fixes, new features, etc) and submitting it (which means you need to be a developer)
  • by writing documentation / improving the wiki
  • helping other users on the mailing lists, IRC, or in other forums
  • donating cellular equipment (which many don't have)
  • hiring a freelancer or a company to write code and contribute to Osmocom on your behalf
  • buying products or services from companies who dedicate lots of work to Osmocom

However, we've repeatedly getting requests from some individuals who wanted to contribute to the project in an easy way, even if they are not a developer, and/or don't have time, and/or don't have the size of a budget to fund development of entire new features or sub-systems.

Today, Osmocom announces that we have joined Open Collective in order to enable you to make financial contributions, either one-off or recurring.

We'll be using the funds (if we get any!) according to our funding policy outlined at in order to pay for expenses such as hosting costs for our servers / IT infrastructure, travel funding for the annual developer conferences, etc. Any and all expenses paid from those funds will be visible on the OpenCollective website. You cannot ask for more transparency than that :)

Thanks in advance for your kind assistance!


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