


Getting Started » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (laforge, 03/10/2022 09:41 AM) → Revision 2/12 (laforge, 03/10/2022 09:48 AM)


 h1. Getting Started 

 This page is a work-in-progress documenting what you need to do to get connected to the [[Community_TDMSS7_Network]] using an icE1usb. 

 h2. Required Hardware 

 * [[e1-t1-adapter:ICE40_E1_USB_interface|icE1usb]] hardware (contact for an OCTOI community special price of EUR 75) 
 * GPS antenna with SMA male plug (not included) 
 * Some equipment with an E1 interface which you want to connect to the community network.    Typically this is a PBX with E1/PRI/S2M upstream connection. 
 * Some computer running Linux with a USB host controller to connect the icE1usb to.    Note: Many USB XHCI host controllers suffer from bugs, restricting operation to only one of the two E1 ports, see [[e1-t1-adapter:Isochronous_USB_Issues]] for details. If you have a system with UHCI/OHCI/EHCI, use that. 

 h2. Major steps required for setup 

 # Installing latest gateware and firmware into the icE1usb 
 # building + installing the @laforge/e1oip@ branch of [[osmo-e1d]] 
 # requesting a connection with the OCTOI hub 
 # creating a config file for @osmo-e1d@ 
 # possibly adding a port forward in your router 

 h3. Installing latest gateware and firmware into the icE1usb 

 Please follow the instructions of the "icE1usb user manaul": 

 Firmware is available from 

 You will need "dfu-util": for performing the USB device firmware upgrade.    Most distributions should have a package for this. 

 h3. building + installing the @laforge/e1oip@ branch of [[osmo-e1d]] 

 As the protocol is still under fluctuation, it is not yet part of the @master@ branch and hence not available as a binary package yet.    You will need to build [[osmo-e1d]] frm source. 

 h4. dependencies 

 You will need 
 * build-essential (gcc, binutils, make, ...) 
 * autotools (autoconf, automake) 
 * libtool 
 * pkg-config 
 * talloc 
 * libosmocore 
 * libusb-1.0 

 If using distribution packages, make sure you install the _development_ packages (e.g. @libtalloc-dev@). 

 h4. building 

 autoreconf -fi 

 h4. installation (optional) 

 you can run osmo-e1d from the build directory, there's no strict need to install it. 

 If you do install it using the below instructions, the binary will be in @/usr/local/bin@ or whatever is configured at configure time. 

 make install 

 h3. requesting connection 

 Please contact @laforge with your IP address and port number.    *Right now the protocol does not yet support dynamic IP addresses.* 

 h3. creating a config file
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