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manawyrm, 05/01/2022 05:51 PM

Phonebook exporters

manawyrm offers several phonebook exporters for various systems.
The exporters are available here and can be extended for almost every system:

This works by parsing the phonebook in this Redmine wiki, a debug view (to check how your entries are parsed) is available here:

Auerswald PBX reverse lookup

The Auerswald PBXes can do a HTTP lookup on every incoming call. This can be used to display names for each caller in the phone display.
To set this up, configure the "OCTOI phonebook" provider under "COMset" -> "Funktionen" -> "Online-Namenssuche" -> "Konfiguration".
Use the Aktion -> Importieren button to import the octoi_auerswald.n2n configuration file.

This was developed and tested on a COMmander Basic.2, but might work on other PBXes from Auerswald.

Fritz!adr software

Fritz!Box phonebook

Windows XP address book

Updated by manawyrm about 2 years ago · 2 revisions

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