


BeginnersBuildDeprecated » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Anonymous, 04/22/2017 04:04 PM) → Revision 2/12 (Anonymous, 04/22/2017 04:04 PM)

These instructions were compiled in January 2010.    These directions as very explicit, so that even those with little Linux experience should be able to follow along.    Please note you'll need a decent processor to get this to work -- I'd guess at least a dual core CPU running at 2.4GHz+.    This isn't a project for your five year old laptop to tackle.   

 Here's what's worked for me, based on op25 svn revision 198: 

 1. Install Ubuntu 9.10 

 Upon reboot, login and launch a terminal window (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal), and run the rest of the following instructions from this window. 

 2. The next commands will update your system with the latest patches: 
 apt-get upgrade 
 sudo shutdown -r now 

 3. After the system reboots, relaunch the terminal window as above and continue with these commands, which will install the gnuradio prerequisites: 

 sudo apt-get install gcc-4.1 g++-4.1 swig g++ automake libtool \ 
 python-dev libfftw3-dev libcppunit-dev libboost1.38-dev libusb-dev \ 
 fort77 sdcc sdcc-libraries libsdl1.2-dev python-wxgtk2.8 subversion \ 
 git-core guile-1.8-dev libqt4-dev python-numpy ccache python-opengl \ 
 libgsl0-dev python-cheetah python-lxml doxygen qt4-dev-tools \ 
 libqwt5-qt4-dev libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev pyqt4-dev-tools libitpp-dev \ 
 libjack-dev texlive-latex-base 

 4. This next part installs gnuradio: 

 mkdir ~/src; cd ~/src 
 tar zxvf gnuradio-3.2.2.tar.gz 
 cd gnuradio-3.2.2 
 ./configure --prefix=/usr CC=gcc-4.1 CXX=g++-4.1 
 make CC=gcc-4.1 CXX=g++-4.1 
 make check 
 sudo make install 

 5. This part installs the gr-fsk4 demodulator: 

 cd ~/src 
 wget -O gr-fsk4-22Apr08.tar.gz 
 tar zxvf gr-fsk4-22Apr08.tar.gz 
 cd gr-fsk4 
 ./configure --prefix=/usr CC=gcc-4.1 CXX=g++-4.1 
 make CC=gcc-4.1 CXX=g++-4.1 
 sudo make install 

 6. And this part will setup the op25 source. Note that as of now, you need a login to get the source. Reply "yes" to prompts that ask if you want to save your password. And don't worry about the error about the folder not being empty when issuing the mv commands - I'll clean this up soon. 

 cd ~/src 
 svn --username YourUsername co op25 
 cd op25/decoder 
 ./configure --prefix=/usr CC=gcc-4.1 CXX=g++-4.1 
 make CC=gcc-4.1 CXX=g++-4.1 
 sed -i 's/flow_graph/top_block/' src/python/ 
 make check 
 sudo make install 
 sudo mv /usr/local/include/gnuradio/swig/* /usr/include/gnuradio/swig 
 sudo mv /usr/local/include/gnuradio/* /usr/include/gnuradio/ 

 cd ~/src/op25/imbe_vocoder 
 ./configure --prefix=/usr CC=gcc-4.1 CXX=g++-4.1 CXXFLAGS="-O3" 
 make CC=gcc-4.1 CXX=g++-4.1 
 sudo make install 

 echo -e "[wxgui]\nstyle=nongl\nfft_rate=4\n" > ~/.gnuradio/config.conf 

 7. You should be done ready to run the app. Plug your scanner into the mic input. Launch the sound mixer (under System -> Preferences -> Sound) and make sure you can see the signal coming in from the discriminator tap of the scanner.  

 cd ~/src/op25/python 
 ./ -a 

 This last bit is up to you. Poke around the interface, read the rest of the wiki and mailing list, and, well, good luck! 

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