


RefactoringPage » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Anonymous, 04/22/2017 04:04 PM) → Revision 2/5 (Anonymous, 04/22/2017 04:04 PM)

= Refactoring OP25 = 

 * The cmake build splits the classes for a block into an impl/interface and has new namespace rules that we should comply with. 
   This is pretty straightforward and documented [[ here]].  
 * Expose more of our components at a lower level because we can use GNURadio to schedule execution across multiple threads/CPUs. 
   We already have some of the C4FM demod/mod, DQPSK demod/mod, vocoder and so on but we need to expose the bit correlator, packetizer (decoder) and so on. 
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