


Hosted epdg playground » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (laforge, 02/05/2024 04:07 PM) → Revision 3/14 (lynxis, 02/05/2024 04:54 PM)

h1. Hosted epdg playground 

 This page is going to document the _playground_ that we're setting up for playing with the (in-development state) of osmo-epdg. 

 h2. Hosts 

 h3. epdg 

 Hostname: (IPv4 + IPv6) 

 |enp1s0| 2001:780:45:1d::46:81|Public Internet| 
 |enp7s0|?|internal network| 

 This is a Debian 12 VM where the osmo-epdg (consiting of modified strongswan code, erlang ePDG and linux kernel GTP) will run. 

 h3. epc 

 Hostname: (IPv6 only) 

 |eth0|2001:780:45:1d::f046:1000|Public Internet| 
 |eth1|?|internal network| 

 This is a Debian 12 lxc container where we'll run HSS + PGW (open5gs) 

 h3. ims 

 Hostname: (IPv6 only) 

 |eth0|2001:780:45:1d::f046:1001|Public Internet| 
 |eth1|?|internal network| 

 This is a Debian 12 lxc container where we'll run the IMS core (Kamailio) 

 h2. Internal network 

 The hosts mentioned above share a private bridged network.    That network has no DHCP server and no router. It's purely for communication between the network elements
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