


Osmo-gbproxy VTY » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (laforge, 02/19/2016 10:48 PM) → Revision 3/5 (laforge, 01/29/2020 08:51 PM)


 please see This page is a reference fo all VTY commands that you can use interactively on the osmo-gbproxy VTY telnet interface on TCP port 4246 

 In addition, the same commands are used for the configuration file. 

 h2. configuration reference manual available from 

 h3. gbproxy level 

 h4. nsip sgsn remote ip A.B.C.D 

 Set the remote IP address for the connection to the SGSN. 

 h4. nsip sgsn remote port <0-65534> 

 Set the remote UDP port for the connection to the SGSN. 

 h4. nsip sgsn nsei <0-65534> 

 Set the NSEI for the connection to the SGSN. 

 h4. nsip sgsn nsvci <0-65534> 

 Set the NS-VCI for the connection to the SGSN. 

 h3. ns level 

 h4. timer (tns-block|tns-block-retries|tns-reset|tns-reset-retries|tns-test|tns-alive|tns-alive-retries) <0-65535> 

 Set the respective NS (GSM TS 08.16) timer to the corresponding value (in seconds): 
 * tns-block -- Timer between NS-BLOCK attempts without any NS-BLOCK-ACK response 
 * tns-block-retries -- How often to retransmit an unacknowledged NS-BLOCK 
 * tns-reset -- Timer between NS-RESET attempts without any NS-RESET-ACK response 
 * tns-reset-retries -- How many times should we retry to send NS-RESET 
 * tns-test -- How many seconds to wait for the response to a TEST procedure 
 * tns-alive -- How many seconds to wait for an answer to the ALIVE procedure 
 * tns-alive-retries -- How often should we retry the ALIVE precedure before declaring the link DEAD 

 h4. nse <0-65535> nsvci <0-65534> 

 Configure a persistent NS-VC with a given NSEI and NSVCI 

 h4. nse <0-65535> remote-ip A.B.C.D 

 Set the remote IP address for a persistent NS-VC 

 h4. nse <0-65535> remote-port <0-65535> 

 Set the remote UDP port for a persistent NS-VC 

 h4. nse <0-65535> remote-role (sgsn|bss) 

 Set whether the remote end of the specified persistent NS-VC is a BSS or SGSN. 

 h4. no nse <0-65535> 

 Remove the persistent configuration for the specified NSE 

 h2. runtime commands 

 h3. show ns [stats] 

 Show a list of all existing NS-VCs 
 <pre>> show ns 
 NSEI    2342, NS-VC    2342, Remote: BSS ,    DEAD     BLOCKED, 
 NSEI    8989, NS-VC    8989, Remote: SGSN, ALIVE UNBLOCKED, 

 If the stats parameter is given, statistics will be included. 

 h3. show ns (nsei|nsvc) <0-65535> [stats] 

 Show information for one specific NS-VC identified by NSVCI or NSEI, optionally including stats 
 <pre>> show ns nsei 2342 stats 
 NSEI    2342, NS-VC    2342, Remote: BSS ,    DEAD     BLOCKED, 
  NSVC Peer Statistics: 
   Packets at NS Level ( In):        402 (0/s 0/m 0/h 402/d) 
   Packets at NS Level (Out):        253 (0/s 0/m 0/h 253/d) 
   Bytes at NS Level     ( In):       3787 (0/s 0/m 0/h 3787/d) 
   Bytes at NS Level     (Out):        269 (0/s 0/m 0/h 269/d) 
   NS-VC Block count          :          1 (0/s 0/m 0/h 1/d) 
   NS-VC gone dead count      :          1 (0/s 0/m 0/h 1/d) 

 h3. logging filter nsvc (nsei|nsvci) <0-65535> 

 Set a logging filter, i.e. only display log messages related to the specified NSEI / NSVCI
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