



HSL FemtoHSL FemtoConsole » History » Revision 1

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laforge, 02/19/2016 10:47 PM
add notes about serial port

= Serial Console of the HSL Femto =

There is a 3-pin header on the digital board of the HSL Femto.

It contains a RS-232 serial console of the TI DaVinci ARM core running at 115,200 bps

The pinout is as follows: * Pin 1: TxD output of Femto * Pin 2: RxD input of Femto * Pin 3: Ground

'''NOTE: There is a RS232 level shifter on board running the console at real RS232 voltage levels''', so don't expect the typical 3.3V CMOS level.

Console commands {{{

Monitor Commands:

lt   - list tasks
ct - clear multitask profile timers
mr - read memory: mr AddressSpace MemoryLocation BytesToRead
mw - write memory: mw AddressSpace MemoryLocation ValueToWrite
crt - crt AS TaskName EntryPoint [StackSize] [Priority] [Weight]
rt - Run a task: rt AddressSpace TaskName
ht - Halt a running task: ht AddressSpace TaskName
kt - Terminate a task: kt AddressSpace TaskName
is - Enable / disable INDRT over serial: is [on | off]
clt - close task: clt AddressSpace Taskname
lA - list Address Spaces: lA
lo - list Objects: lo [{+-}{aAcCilmstu}] [AddressSpace]
la - list Tasks/Activities: la [AddressSpace]
lc - list Connections: lc [AddressSpace]
sm - Inject message: sm <AddressSpace> <Object index> "<message>"
lm - list loaded images
rset - reboots board (not always supported)
bl - get or set board location (not always meaningful)
map - display BSP memory table
ti - task info: ti <TaskID>
oi - kernel object info: oi <object index> <DomainID>
nc [d<dev>] [[e EthernetAddress] | [i IPAddress] | [g Default Gateway] |
[n Netmask] | [m Namesrvr] | [h Hostname] | [p<ON|OFF> (DHCP ON|OFF)] |
[b<0|1> (TFTP Boot OFF|ON)] | [l Boot-Delay-seconds] |
[t TFTP-Server-IPAddress] | [f filename-to-boot] | [r INDRT-Interface]
[v SNTP-Server-IPAddress] | [z HH:MM Timezone Offset] |
[o SNTP Polling Interval (s)]
[s Save to non-volatile memory]] - network configuration

Updated by laforge over 8 years ago · 1 revisions

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