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laforge, 02/19/2016 10:47 PM
add page on emon/mmi

= MCUF serial console =

Command Reference MMI-ROM

=== chg_level ===
change the access level. If you want level 3 access, you have to type in the two passwords: 3stooges and 4beatles

Command Reference EMON
In order to enter EMON, you need to enter level3 of MMI-ROM and then press Ctrl+N

=== EMON help === {{{
[01/01/80 00:00:37] MCU:emon_1015 % help
Commands available:
! alias analyze baud
bstats ca_iir_filter capture count_reset
coverage csfp_objects cstats ctbl_objects
debug dri_msg eft ex_iir_dis
ex_iir_mod filter help history
iir_dis iir_mod iir_rte iir_time_stamp
l_dump l_modify link_test lstats
mem_use memory mmu_stats msg_send
mstats msw_connects objects pbegin
pcmcia pend perf pstats
reset rlogin router_tbl swfm
time time_stamp tstats tty_backlog_dump
unalias zstats

Logs === Normal boot log with PCMCIA card installed === {{{
!!! REBOOT !!! Memory full configured Reset due to power reset
Checking DRAM: 16 of 16 MB complete
Motorola MCU Boot Software Version 24-Jan-08
Copyright 2008, Motorola Incorporated
Board type is MCU-F
QUICC microcode revision 0x0083
Exec microboot version 4
taking PCMCIA version of object 2
taking PCMCIA version of object 5
taking PCMCIA version of object 12
taking PCMCIA version of object 13
taking PCMCIA version of object 32
taking PCMCIA version of object 34
taking PCMCIA version of object 36
taking PCMCIA version of object 48
taking PCMCIA version of object 49
taking PCMCIA version of object 50
taking PCMCIA version of object 51
taking PCMCIA version of object 52
taking PCMCIA version of object 60
taking PCMCIA version of object 68
taking PCMCIA version of object 70
taking PCMCIA version of object 71
taking PCMCIA version of object 72
taking PCMCIA version of object 75
taking PCMCIA version of object 76
taking PCMCIA version of object 77
taking PCMCIA version of object 79
taking PCMCIA version of object 97
taking PCMCIA version of object 113
taking PCMCIA version of object 120
taking PCMCIA version of object 165
taking PCMCIA version of object 166
taking PCMCIA version of object 169
taking PCMCIA version of object 170
taking PCMCIA version of object 177
taking PCMCIA version of object 184
taking PCMCIA version of object 185
taking PCMCIA version of object 193
taking PCMCIA version of object 194
taking PCMCIA version of object 200
taking PCMCIA version of object 201
taking PCMCIA version of object 202
taking PCMCIA version of object 207
MMI-ROM 0000 ->
MMI-ROM 0000 ->
MMI-ROM 1015 ->
}}} === Normal boot log with no PCMCIA card installed === {{{
!!! REBOOT !!! Memory full configured Reset due to power reset
Checking DRAM: 16 of 16 MB complete
Motorola MCU Boot Software Version 24-Jan-08
Copyright 2008, Motorola Incorporated
Board type is MCU-F
QUICC microcode revision 0x0083
Exec microboot version 4
PCMCIA: Socket 0 empty.
MMI-ROM 0000 ->
MMI-ROM 0000 ->
MMI-ROM 1015 ->

Updated by laforge over 8 years ago · 1 revisions

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