



LimeSDR Family » History » Revision 6

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ahuemer, 10/10/2017 06:45 PM


The LimeSDR is a low-cost SDR board featuring the Lime Microsystems LMS7002 RF chip.

Key characteristics include:
  • RF Transceiver: Lime Microsystems LMS7002M MIMO FPRF
  • FPGA: Altera Cyclone IV EP4CE40F23 – also compatible with EP4CE30F23
  • Memory: 256 MBytes DDR2 SDRAM
  • USB 3.0 controller: Cypress USB 3.0 CYUSB3014-BZXC
  • Oscillator: Rakon RPT7050A @ 30.72MHz
  • Continuous frequency range: 100 kHz – 3.8 GHz
  • Bandwidth: 61.44 MHz
  • RF connection: 10 U.FL connectors (6 RX, 4 TX)
  • Power Output (CW): up to 10 dBm
  • Multiplexing: 2×2 MIMO
  • Power: micro USB connector or optional external power supply
  • Status indicators: programmable LEDs
  • Dimensions: 100 mm x 60 mm

RF Output Power



The on-board clock is a 250ppb VCTCXO. GSM strictly requires 30ppb, but 250ppb should be sufficient for laboratory use.

Clock Calibration


Using external clock reference


OsmoTRX on LimeSDR

In terms of OsmoTRX support, you will a relatively complex driver stack consisting of:
  • LimeSuite containing the actual drivers and utilities for LimeSDR
  • SoapySDR as middleware that wraps LimeSuite
  • SoapyUHD as plug-in exposing SoapySDR devices to UHD
  • UHD as the driver interface below OsmoTRX

You will need to observe the following dependencies when building the above:
  1. SoapyUHD depends on SoapySDR
  2. LimeSuite depends on SoapySDR.

Verifying the driver stack

You can ensure that LimeSuite recognizes your device using the LimeUtil part of LimeSuite:

$ LimeUtil --find                109/0/0
  * [LimeSDR-USB, media=USB 3.0, module=STREAM, addr=1d50:6108, serial=0009060B00xxyyzz]

You can ensure that SoapySDR and LimeSuite work together as expected using the SoapySDRUtil part of SoapySDR:

$ ./SoapySDRUtil --find                  101/0/0
## Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library

linux; GNU C++ version 6.3.0 20170221; Boost_106200; UHD_003.009.005-0-unknown

Found device 0
  addr = 1d50:6108
  driver = lime
  label = LimeSDR-USB [USB 3.0] 9060B00462B1C
  media = USB 3.0
  module = STREAM
  name = LimeSDR-USB
  serial = 0009060B00xxyyzz

Updated by ahuemer almost 7 years ago · 6 revisions

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