


EC25 Linux » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (laforge, 10/06/2016 04:50 PM) → Revision 2/7 (laforge, 10/06/2016 04:53 PM)

h1. EC25 Linux 

 h2. bootloader 

 Format: Log Type - Time(microsec) - Message - Optional Info 
 Log Type: B - Since Boot(Power On Reset),    D - Delta,    S - Statistic 
 S - Boot Config, 0x000002e1 
 B -        1216 - PBL, Start 
 B -        3723 - bootable_media_detect_entry, Start 
 B -        5002 - bootable_media_detect_success, Start 
 B -        5006 - elf_loader_entry, Start 
 B -        8457 - auth_hash_seg_entry, Start 
 B -        8678 - auth_hash_seg_exit, Start 
 B -       51007 - elf_segs_hash_verify_entry, Start 
 B -       90729 - PBL, End 
 B -       99247 - SBL1, Start 
 B -      157258 - pm_device_init, Start 
 B -      177388 - PM_SET_VAL:Skip 
 D -       18086 - pm_device_init, Delta 
 B -      178364 - boot_config_data_table_init, Start 
 D -      174917 - boot_config_data_table_init, Delta - (420 Bytes) 
 B -      356819 - CDT version:3,Platform ID:8,Major ID:1,Minor ID:0,Subtype:0 
 B -      363255 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Start 
 B -      366823 - cpr_init, Start 
 D -          30 - cpr_init, Delta 
 B -      372374 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Start 
 D -         213 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Delta 
 D -           0 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Delta 
 B -      385093 - pm_driver_init, Start 
 D -        4544 - pm_driver_init, Delta 
 B -      397537 - sbl1_qhsusb_al_do_fast_enum, Start 
 D -          30 - sbl1_qhsusb_al_do_fast_enum, Delta 
 B -      400495 - clock_init, Start 
 D -         152 - clock_init, Delta 
 B -      406290 - boot_flash_init, Start 
 D -       37667 - boot_flash_init, Delta 
 B -      448136 - Image Load, Start 
 D -       56608 - QSEE Image Loaded, Delta - (451980 Bytes) 
 B -      504744 - Image Load, Start 
 D -          30 - SEC Image Loaded, Delta - (0 Bytes) 
 B -      512278 - sbl1_efs_handle_cookies, Start 
 D -           0 - sbl1_efs_handle_cookies, Delta 
 B -      519567 - Image Load, Start 
 D -       31903 - RPM Image Loaded, Delta - (151152 Bytes) 
 B -      551531 - Image Load, Start 
 D -       20710 - APPSBL Image Loaded, Delta - (178836 Bytes) 
 B -      572271 - QSEE Execution, Start 
 D -         213 - QSEE Execution, Delta 
 B -      578036 - SBL1, End 
 D -      481076 - SBL1, Delta 
 S - Throughput, 2000 KB/s    (782388 Bytes,    268183 us) 
 S - DDR Frequency, 240 MHz 
 Android Bootloader - UART_DM Initialized!!! 
 [0] welcome to lk 

 [0] SCM call: 0x2000601 failed with :fffffffc 
 [0] Failed to initialize SCM 
 [10] platform_init() 
 [10] target_init() 
 [10] 111 flash->id=0x2690ac2c,supported_flash[0]=0x1590ac2c, flash->id2=0x54, supported_flash_id2=0x56[20] 111 flash->id=0x2690ac2c,supported_flash[1]=0x1590ac01, flash->id2=0x54, supported_flash_id2=0x56[30] 111 flash->id=0x2690ac2c,supported_flash[2]=0x1590ac2c, flash->id2=0x54, supported_flash_id2=0x57[30] 111 flash->id=0x2690ac2c,supported_flash[3]=0x1590aa2c, flash->id2=0x54, supported_flash_id2=0x6[40] 111 flash->id=0x2690ac2c,supported_flash[4]=0x2690ac2c, flash->id2=0x54, supported_flash_id2=0x54[50] smem ptable found: ver: 4 len: 16 
 [60] ERROR: No devinfo partition found 
 [60] Neither 'config' nor 'frp' partition found 
 [60] CTL+C key, enter the FastBoot 
 [90] @Ramos Read flag qpic_nand_read_page =0x2440,  
 [90] @Ramos Read flag qpic_nand_read_page result=0,  
 [90] flash_read_image: success (0 errors) 
 [100] @Ramos Ql_check_RestoreFlag:offset=940000, magic1=78e5d4c2,magic2=54f7d60e,linuxfs_restoreFlag=0, cefs_restoreFlag=0 
 [110] @Ramos Read flag qpic_nand_read_page =0x2440,  
 [110] @Ramos Read flag qpic_nand_read_page result=0,  
 [120] flash_read_image: success (0 errors) 
 [120] @Ramos Ql_check_RestoreFlag:offset=940000, magic1=78e5d4c2,magic2=54f7d60e,linuxfs_restoreFlag=0, cefs_restoreFlag=0 
 [130] BBBBLoading (boot) image (5259264): start 
 [650] BBBBBLoading (boot) image (5259264): done 
 [660] DTB Total entry: 25, DTB version: 3 
 [660] Using DTB entry 0x00000129/00010000/0x00000008/0 for device 0x00000129/00010000/0x00010008/0 
 [680] cmdline: noinitrd    rw console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.hardware=qcom ehci-hcd.park=3 msm_rtb.filter=0x37 lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1    earlycon=msm_hsl_uart,0x78b3000    androidboot.serialno=313a01a5 androidboot.baseband=msm rootfstype=ubifs rootflags=b[700] Updating device tree: start 
 [830] Updating device tree: done 
 [840] booting linux @ 0x80008000, ramdisk @ 0x80008000 (0), tags/device tree @ 0x81e00000 

 h2. msm LNX version 

 msm LNX.LE.5.0.1-57031-9x40 mdm9607-perf /dev/ttyHSL0 

 h2. root password 

 @oelinux1@, like on EC20 

 h2. df 

 root@mdm9607-perf:~# df 
 Filesystem             1K-blocks        Used Available Use% Mounted on 
 ubi0:rootfs                57132       37260       19872    65% / 
 ubi1:modem                 60864       33804       27060    56% /firmware 
 tmpfs                         64           4          60     6% /dev 
 tmpfs                      79788          20       79768     0% /run 
 tmpfs                      79788          56       79732     0% /var/volatile 
 tmpfs                      79788           0       79788     0% /media/ram 
 ubi0:usrfs                 55032         916       54116     2% /data 

 h2. ps 

 root@mdm9607-perf:~# ps axuw 
 PID     USER       TIME     COMMAND 
     1 root         0:06 init [5] 
     2 root         0:00 [kthreadd] 
     3 root         0:00 [ksoftirqd/0] 
     4 root         0:00 [kworker/0:0] 
     5 root         0:00 [kworker/0:0H] 
     6 root         0:00 [kworker/u2:0] 
     7 root         0:00 [rcu_preempt] 
     8 root         0:00 [rcu_sched] 
     9 root         0:00 [rcu_bh] 
    10 root         0:00 [khelper] 
    11 root         0:00 [netns] 
    12 root         0:00 [perf] 
    13 root         0:00 [msm_watchdog] 
    14 root         0:00 [smd_channel_clo] 
    15 root         0:00 [smsm_cb_wq] 
    16 root         0:00 [kworker/u2:1] 
    17 root         0:00 [deferwq] 
    18 root         0:00 [kworker/0:1] 
    19 root         0:00 [irq/52-cpr] 
    20 root         0:00 [mpm] 
    21 root         0:00 [kworker/u2:2] 
    22 root         0:00 [kworker/u2:3] 
    29 root         0:00 [writeback] 
    30 root         0:00 [crypto] 
    31 root         0:00 [bioset] 
    32 root         0:00 [kblockd] 
    33 root         0:00 [system] 
    34 root         0:00 [devfreq_wq] 
    35 root         0:00 [cfg80211] 
    36 root         0:00 [power_off_alarm] 
    37 root         0:00 [kswapd0] 
    38 root         0:00 [fsnotify_mark] 
    46 root         0:00 [glink_ssr_wq] 
    47 root         0:00 [apr_driver] 
    48 root         0:00 [k_hsuart] 
    49 root         0:00 [msm_serial_hs_0] 
    50 root         0:00 [msm_serial_hs_0] 
    51 root         0:00 [diag_real_time_] 
    52 root         0:00 [diag_wq] 
    53 root         0:00 [DIAG_USB_diag] 
    54 root         0:00 [diag_cntl_wq] 
    55 root         0:00 [diag_dci_wq] 
    56 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_MODEM_] 
    57 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_MODEM_] 
    58 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_MODEM_] 
    59 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_MODEM_] 
    60 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_MODEM_] 
    61 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_LPASS_] 
    62 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_LPASS_] 
    63 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_LPASS_] 
    64 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_LPASS_] 
    65 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_LPASS_] 
    66 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_WCNSS_] 
    67 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_WCNSS_] 
    68 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_WCNSS_] 
    69 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_WCNSS_] 
    70 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_WCNSS_] 
    71 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_SENSOR] 
    72 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_SENSOR] 
    73 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_SENSOR] 
    74 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_SENSOR] 
    75 root         0:00 [DIAG_SMD_SENSOR] 
    76 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKMODEM_] 
    77 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKMODEM_] 
    78 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKMODEM_] 
    79 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKMODEM_] 
    80 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKMODEM_] 
    81 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKLPASS_] 
    82 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKLPASS_] 
    83 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKLPASS_] 
    84 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKLPASS_] 
    85 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKLPASS_] 
    86 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKWCNSS_] 
    87 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKWCNSS_] 
    88 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKWCNSS_] 
    89 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKWCNSS_] 
    90 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKWCNSS_] 
    91 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKSENSOR] 
    92 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKSENSOR] 
    93 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKSENSOR] 
    94 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKSENSOR] 
    95 root         0:00 [DIAG_SOCKSENSOR] 
    96 root         0:00 [DIAG_CNTL_SOCKE] 
    97 root         0:00 [k_gserial] 
    98 root         0:00 [k_ipa_usb] 
    99 root         0:00 [uether] 
   100 root         0:00 [k_gbridge] 
   101 root         0:00 [therm_core:noti] 
   102 root         0:00 [therm_core:noti] 
   103 root         0:00 [therm_core:noti] 
   104 root         0:00 [therm_core:noti] 
   105 root         0:00 [therm_core:noti] 
   106 root         0:00 [irq/216-tsens_i] 
   107 root         0:00 [therm_core:noti] 
   108 root         0:00 [therm_core:noti] 
   109 root         0:00 [cfinteractive] 
   110 root         0:00 [irq/170-7824900] 
   111 root         0:00 [irq/155-mmc0] 
   112 root         0:00 [irq/253-7864900] 
   113 root         0:00 [irq/157-mmc1] 
   114 root         0:00 [usb_bam_wq] 
   115 root         0:00 [qsmd] 
   116 root         0:00 [ipv6_addrconf] 
   117 root         0:00 [msm_ipc_router] 
   118 root         0:00 [irq/441-modem] 
   119 root         0:00 [sysmon_wq] 
   120 root         0:00 [qmi_svc_event_w] 
   121 root         0:00 [kworker/0:2] 
   122 root         0:00 [bam_dmux_rx] 
   123 root         0:00 [bam_dmux_tx] 
   124 root         0:00 [ubi_bgt0d] 
   125 root         0:00 [ubi_bgt1d] 
   126 root         0:00 [k_bam_data] 
   127 root         0:00 [f_mtp] 
   129 root         0:00 [msm_thermal:fre] 
   130 root         0:00 [msm_thermal:the] 
   131 root         0:00 [ubifs_bgt0_0] 
   132 root         0:00 [IPCRTR] 
   133 root         0:00 [modem_IPCRTR] 
   185 root         0:00 [ubifs_bgt0_1] 
   194 root         0:00 /sbin/adbd 
   229 root         0:00 psmd 
   323 root         0:00 ipacm_perf 
   331 root         0:00 ipacmdiag 
   342 root         0:00 QCMAP_ConnectionManager /etc/mobileap_cfg.xml d 
   346 root         0:00 /usr/bin/qti 
   357 root         0:00 /sbin/tftp_server 
   358 root         0:00 /sbin/fs-scrub-daemon 
   375 root         0:00 /usr/bin/quectel_pcm_daemon 
   397 root         0:00 [sh] 
   426 root         0:00 [kworker/u2:4] 
   458 root         0:00 /sbin/syslogd -n -C64 
   494 root         0:00 [k_gsmd] 
   495 root         0:00 [k_gbam] 
   509 root         0:00 /usr/bin/qmuxd 
   514 root         0:00 /usr/bin/thermal-engine 
   518 root         0:00 /usr/bin/netmgrd 
   545 root         0:00 /usr/bin/qmi_shutdown_modem 
   553 root         0:00 /usr/bin/quectel-gps-handle 
   564 root         0:00 /usr/bin/quectel_monitor_daemon 
   599 root         0:00 /usr/bin/quectel_daemon 
   605 root         0:00 /usr/bin/quectel_psm_aware 
   614 root         0:00 /usr/bin/quectel-remotefs-service 
   699 root         0:00 alsaucm_test 
   762 nobody       0:00 dnsmasq -i bridge0 -I lo -z --dhcp-range=bridge0,192.168. 
   811 www-data     0:00 /usr/sbin/lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd.conf 
   823 root         0:00 eMBMs_TunnelingModule 
   827 root         0:00 /usr/bin/qmi_ip_multiclient /etc/qmi_ip_cfg.xml 
   869 root         0:00 wlan_services 
   981 messageb     0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system 
  1003 root         0:00 /sbin/reboot-daemon 
  1009 diag         0:00 /usr/bin/diagrebootapp 
  1012 root         0:00 /usr/bin/atfwd_daemon 
  1052 root         0:00 /usr/bin/pdc_daemon 
  1070 root         0:00 /usr/bin/time_daemon 
  1071 root         0:00 /usr/bin/mbimd 
  1072 root         0:00 -sh 
  1123 root         0:00 ps axuw 

 h2. dmesg 

 [      0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0 
 [      0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu 
 [      0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct 
 [      0.000000] Linux version 3.18.20 (becking@root-mdm9607) (gcc version 4.9.2 (GCC) ) #1 PREEMPT Sat Aug 
  27 18:53:52 CST 2016 
 [      0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [410fc075] revision 5 (ARMv7), cr=10c53c7d 
 [      0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache 
 [      0.000000] Machine model: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. MDM 9607 MTP 
 [      0.000000] Reserved memory: reserved region for node 'modem_adsp_region@0': base 0x82a00000, size 80  
 [      0.000000] Reserved memory: reserved region for node 'cnss_debug_region@0': base 0x87a00000, size 2 M 
 [      0.000000] Reserved memory: reserved region for node 'external_image_region@0': base 0x87c00000, size 
  4 MiB 
 [      0.000000] Removed memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x82a00000, size 80 MiB 
 [      0.000000] Reserved memory: initialized node modem_adsp_region@0, compatible id removed-dma-pool 
 [      0.000000] Removed memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x87a00000, size 2 MiB 
 [      0.000000] Reserved memory: initialized node cnss_debug_region@0, compatible id removed-dma-pool 
 [      0.000000] Removed memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x87c00000, size 4 MiB 
 [      0.000000] Reserved memory: initialized node external_image_region@0, compatible id removed-dma-pool 
 [      0.000000] Reserved memory: allocated memory for 'audio_region@0' node: base 0x8fc00000, size 4 MiB 
 [      0.000000] Reserved memory: created CMA memory pool at 0x8fc00000, size 4 MiB 
 [      0.000000] Reserved memory: initialized node audio_region@0, compatible id shared-dma-pool 
 [      0.000000] cma: Reserved 4 MiB at 0x8f800000 
 [      0.000000] Memory policy: Data cache writeback 
 [      0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 64000 
 [      0.000000] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c0b2d288, node_mem_map cf5ce000 
 [      0.000000]     Normal zone: 512 pages used for memmap 
 [      0.000000]     Normal zone: 0 pages reserved 
 [      0.000000]     Normal zone: 64000 pages, LIFO batch:15 
 [      0.000000] CPU: All CPU(s) started in SVC mode. 
 [      0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s0 r0 d32768 u32768 alloc=1*32768 
 [      0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0  
 [      0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.    Total pages: 63488 
 [      0.000000] Kernel command line: noinitrd    rw console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.hardware=qcom ehci 
 -hcd.park=3 msm_rtb.filter=0x37 lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1    earlycon=msm_hsl_uart,0x78b3000    androidboot 
 .serialno=313a01a5 androidboot.baseband=msm rootfstype=ubifs rootflags=bulk_read root=ubi0:rootfs ubi.mtd 
 =15 ubi.mtd=9 
 [      0.000000] PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) 
 [      0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) 
 [      0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) 
 [      0.000000] Memory: 150460K/256000K available (7235K kernel code, 812K rwdata, 3096K rodata, 288K init 
 , 1145K bss, 105540K reserved) 
 [      0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout: 
 [      0.000000]       vector    : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000     (     4 kB) 
 [      0.000000]       fixmap    : 0xffc00000 - 0xfff00000     (3072 kB) 
 [      0.000000]       vmalloc : 0xd0800000 - 0xff000000     ( 744 MB) 
 [      0.000000]       lowmem    : 0xc0000000 - 0xd0000000     ( 256 MB) 
 [      0.000000]       modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xc0000000     (    16 MB) 
 [      0.000000]         .text : 0xc0008000 - 0xc0a1f0d4     (10333 kB) 
 [      0.000000]         .init : 0xc0a20000 - 0xc0a68000     ( 288 kB) 
 [      0.000000]         .data : 0xc0a68000 - 0xc0b33120     ( 813 kB) 
 [      0.000000]          .bss : 0xc0b331e4 - 0xc0c517e0     (1146 kB) 
 [      0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1 
 [      0.000000] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation. 
 [      0.000000] NR_IRQS:16 nr_irqs:16 16 
 [      0.000000] GIC CPU mask not found - kernel will fail to boot. 
 [      0.000000] GIC CPU mask not found - kernel will fail to boot. 
 [      0.000000] mpm_init_irq_domain(): Cannot find irq controller for qcom,gpio-parent 
 [      0.000000] MPM 1 irq mapping errored -517 
 [      0.000000] Architected mmio timer(s) running at 19.20MHz (virt). 
 [      0.000009] sched_clock: 56 bits at 19MHz, resolution 52ns, wraps every 3579139424256ns 
 [      0.000025] Switching to timer-based delay loop, resolution 52ns 
 [      0.000044] Switched to clocksource arch_mem_counter 
 [      0.000729] Console: colour dummy device 80x30 
 [      0.000749] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 38.40 BogoMIPS  
 [      0.000765] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 
 [      0.000877] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) 
 [      0.000892] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) 
 [      0.001546] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer 
 [      0.001573] Initializing cgroup subsys debug 
 [      0.001610] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok 
 [      0.001962] Setting up static identity map for 0x806e0be0 - 0x806e0c38 
 [      0.002896]  
 [      0.002896] ********************************************************** 
 [      0.002922] **                                                        ** 
 [      0.002930] ** trace_printk() being used. Allocating extra memory.    ** 
 [      0.002938] **                                                        ** 
 [      0.002946] ** This means that this is a DEBUG kernel and it is       ** 
 [      0.002954] ** unsafe for produciton use.                             ** 
 [      0.002962] **                                                        ** 
 [      0.002970] ** If you see this message and you are not debugging      ** 
 [      0.002978] ** the kernel, report this immediately to your vendor!    ** 
 [      0.002986] **                                                        ** 
 [      0.003002] ********************************************************** 
 [      0.003832] MSM Memory Dump base table set up 
 [      0.003868] MSM Memory Dump apps data table set up 
 [      0.013449] VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 2 part 30 variant 7 rev 5 
 [      0.015220] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem 
 [      0.015646] regulator-dummy: no parameters 
 [      0.043886] NET: Registered protocol family 16 
 [      0.045792] DMA: preallocated 256 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations 
 [      0.100106] cpuidle: using governor ladder 
 [      0.130098] cpuidle: using governor menu 
 [      0.160096] cpuidle: using governor qcom 
 [      0.168923] msm_watchdog b017000.qcom,wdt: wdog absent resource not present 
 [      0.169213] msm_watchdog b017000.qcom,wdt: MSM Watchdog Initialized 
 [      0.171905] irq: no irq domain found for /soc/pinctrl@1000000 ! 
 [      0.172966] irq: no irq domain found for /soc/pinctrl@1000000 ! 
 [      0.177867] spmi_pmic_arb 200f000.qcom,spmi: PMIC Arb Version-2 0x20010000 
 [      0.180640] platform 4080000.qcom,mss: assigned reserved memory node modem_adsp_region@0 
 [      0.181049] irq: no irq domain found for /soc/pinctrl@1000000 ! 
 [      0.181455] irq: no irq domain found for /soc/pinctrl@1000000 ! 
 [      0.182295] mem_acc_corner: 0 <--> 0 mV  
 [      0.183256] hw-breakpoint: found 5 (+1 reserved) breakpoint and 4 watchpoint registers. 
 [      0.183270] hw-breakpoint: maximum watchpoint size is 8 bytes. 
 [      0.184289] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 0 to 79 on device: 1000000.pinctrl 
 [      0.184309] GPIO chip 1000000.pinctrl: created GPIO range 0->79 ==> 1000000.pinctrl PIN 0->79 
 [      0.184889] __of_mpm_init(): MPM driver mapping exists 
 [      0.185424] msm_rpm_glink_dt_parse: qcom,rpm-glink compatible not matches 
 [      0.185440] msm_rpm_dev_probe: APSS-RPM communication over SMD 
 [      0.185452] smd_open() before smd_init() 
 [      0.186082] msm_mpm_dev_probe(): Cannot get clk resource for XO: -517 
 [      0.188401] smd_channel_probe_now: allocation table not initialized 
 [      0.190696] mdm9607_s1: 1050 <--> 1350 mV at 1225 mV normal idle  
 [      0.190868] spm_regulator_probe: name=mdm9607_s1, range=LV, voltage=1225000 uV, mode=AUTO, step rate=4800 uV/us 
 [      0.191383] cpr_efuse_init: apc_corner: efuse_addr = 0x000a4000 (len=0x1000) 
 [      0.191433] cpr_read_fuse_revision: apc_corner: fuse revision = 2 
 [      0.191453] cpr_parse_speed_bin_fuse: apc_corner: [row: 37]: 0x97590032313a01a5, speed_bits = 4 
 [      0.191535] cpr_pvs_init: apc_corner: pvs voltage: [1050000 1100000 1250000] uV 
 [      0.191550] cpr_pvs_init: apc_corner: ceiling voltage: [1050000 1225000 1350000] uV 
 [      0.191563] cpr_pvs_init: apc_corner: floor voltage: [1050000 1050000 1150000] uV 
 [      0.192204] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: probing driver i2c-msm-v2 
 [      0.192282] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: error on clk_get(core_clk):-517 
 [      0.192300] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: error probe() failed with err:-517 
 [      0.195274] msm-thermal soc:qcom,msm-thermal: msm_thermal:Failed reading node=/soc/qcom,msm-thermal, key=qcom,core-limit-temp. err=-22. KTM continues 
 [      0.195309] msm-thermal soc:qcom,msm-thermal: probe_therm_reset:Failed reading node=/soc/qcom,msm-thermal, key=qcom,therm-reset-temp err=-22. KTM continues 
 [      0.195359] msm_thermal:msm_thermal_dev_probe Failed reading node=/soc/qcom,msm-thermal, key=qcom,online-hotplug-core. err:-517 
 [      0.196387] sps:sps is ready. 
 [      0.198421] msm_rpm_glink_dt_parse: qcom,rpm-glink compatible not matches 
 [      0.198437] msm_rpm_dev_probe: APSS-RPM communication over SMD 
 [      0.199447] mdm9607_s2: 750 <--> 1275 mV at 750 mV normal idle  
 [      0.200421] mdm9607_s3_level: 0 <--> 0 mV at 0 mV normal idle  
 [      0.200972] mdm9607_s3_level_ao: 0 <--> 0 mV at 0 mV normal idle  
 [      0.201536] mdm9607_s3_floor_level: 0 <--> 0 mV at 0 mV normal idle  
 [      0.202065] mdm9607_s3_level_so: 0 <--> 0 mV at 0 mV normal idle  
 [      0.202788] mdm9607_s4: 1800 <--> 1950 mV at 1800 mV normal idle  
 [      0.203543] mdm9607_l1: 1250 mV normal idle  
 [      0.204305] mdm9607_l2: 1800 mV normal idle  
 [      0.205036] mdm9607_l3: 1800 mV normal idle  
 [      0.205778] mdm9607_l4: 3075 mV normal idle  
 [      0.206556] mdm9607_l5: 1700 <--> 3050 mV at 1700 mV normal idle  
 [      0.207260] mdm9607_l6: 1700 <--> 3050 mV at 1700 mV normal idle  
 [      0.207955] mdm9607_l7: 1700 <--> 1900 mV at 1700 mV normal idle  
 [      0.208680] mdm9607_l8: 1800 mV normal idle  
 [      0.209361] mdm9607_l9: 1200 <--> 1250 mV at 1200 mV normal idle  
 [      0.210352] mdm9607_l10: 1050 mV normal idle  
 [      0.211117] mdm9607_l11: 1800 mV normal idle  
 [      0.211818] mdm9607_l12_level: 0 <--> 0 mV at 0 mV normal idle  
 [      0.212389] mdm9607_l12_level_ao: 0 <--> 0 mV at 0 mV normal idle  
 [      0.212935] mdm9607_l12_level_so: 0 <--> 0 mV at 0 mV normal idle  
 [      0.213449] mdm9607_l12_floor_lebel: 0 <--> 0 mV at 0 mV normal idle  
 [      0.214202] mdm9607_l13: 1800 <--> 2850 mV at 2850 mV normal idle  
 [      0.214923] mdm9607_l14: 2650 <--> 3000 mV at 2650 mV normal idle  
 [      0.215174] msm_mpm_dev_probe(): Cannot get clk resource for XO: -517 
 [      0.215490] cpr_efuse_init: apc_corner: efuse_addr = 0x000a4000 (len=0x1000) 
 [      0.215540] cpr_read_fuse_revision: apc_corner: fuse revision = 2 
 [      0.215559] cpr_parse_speed_bin_fuse: apc_corner: [row: 37]: 0x97590032313a01a5, speed_bits = 4 
 [      0.215641] cpr_pvs_init: apc_corner: pvs voltage: [1050000 1100000 1250000] uV 
 [      0.215656] cpr_pvs_init: apc_corner: ceiling voltage: [1050000 1225000 1350000] uV 
 [      0.215669] cpr_pvs_init: apc_corner: floor voltage: [1050000 1050000 1150000] uV 
 [      0.215888] cpr_init_cpr_parameters: apc_corner: up threshold = 2, down threshold = 3 
 [      0.215918] cpr_init_cpr_parameters: apc_corner: CPR is enabled by default. 
 [      0.215950] cpr_init_cpr_efuse: apc_corner: [row:65] = 0x15600283283372 
 [      0.215972] cpr_init_cpr_efuse: apc_corner: CPR disable fuse = 0 
 [      0.215986] cpr_init_cpr_efuse: apc_corner: Corner[1]: ro_sel = 0, target quot = 643 
 [      0.215999] cpr_init_cpr_efuse: apc_corner: Corner[2]: ro_sel = 0, target quot = 643 
 [      0.216012] cpr_init_cpr_efuse: apc_corner: Corner[3]: ro_sel = 0, target quot = 882 
 [      0.216195] cpr_config: apc_corner: Timer count: 0x17700 (for 5000 us) 
 [      0.216686] apc_corner: 0 <--> 0 mV  
 [      0.217181] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: probing driver i2c-msm-v2 
 [      0.217258] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: error on clk_get(core_clk):-517 
 [      0.217275] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: error probe() failed with err:-517 
 [      0.217795] msm-thermal soc:qcom,msm-thermal: msm_thermal:Failed reading node=/soc/qcom,msm-thermal, key=qcom,core-limit-temp. err=-22. KTM continues 
 [      0.217825] msm-thermal soc:qcom,msm-thermal: probe_therm_reset:Failed reading node=/soc/qcom,msm-thermal, key=qcom,therm-reset-temp err=-22. KTM continues 
 [      0.217945] msm_thermal:get_kernel_cluster_info CPU0 topology not initialized. 
 [      0.218401] cpu cpu0: dev_pm_opp_get_opp_count: device OPP not found (-19) 
 [      0.218417] msm_thermal:get_cpu_freq_plan_len Error reading CPU0 freq table len. error:-19 
 [      0.218428] msm_thermal:vdd_restriction_reg_init Defer vdd rstr freq init. 
 [      0.218893] cpu cpu0: dev_pm_opp_get_opp_count: device OPP not found (-19) 
 [      0.218909] msm_thermal:get_cpu_freq_plan_len Error reading CPU0 freq table len. error:-19 
 [      0.218924] cpu cpu0: dev_pm_opp_get_opp_count: device OPP not found (-19) 
 [      0.218934] msm_thermal:get_cpu_freq_plan_len Error reading CPU0 freq table len. error:-19 
 [      0.229022] qcom,gcc-mdm9607 1800000.qcom,gcc: Registered GCC clocks 
 [      0.229440] clock-a7 b010008.qcom,clock-a7: Speed bin: 4 PVS Version: 0 
 [      0.229519] a7ssmux: set OPP pair(400000000 Hz: 1 uV) on cpu0 
 [      0.229555] a7ssmux: set OPP pair(1305600000 Hz: 7 uV) on cpu0 
 [      0.231105] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: probing driver i2c-msm-v2 
 [      0.231190] AXI: msm_bus_scale_register_client(): msm_bus_scale_register_client: Bus driver not ready. 
 [      0.231208] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: msm_bus_scale_register_client(mstr-id:86):0 (not a problem) 
 [      0.281649] gpiochip_find_base: found new base at 1018 
 [      0.281812] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 1018 to 1023 on device: pm8019-gpio 
 [      0.282108] qcom,qpnp-pin qpnp-pin-cf30ec00: qpnp_pin_probe: gpio_chip registered between 1018-1023 
 [      0.282283] gpiochip_find_base: found new base at 1012 
 [      0.282412] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 1012 to 1017 on device: pm8019-mpp 
 [      0.282843] qcom,qpnp-pin qpnp-pin-cf30ee00: qpnp_pin_probe: gpio_chip registered between 1012-1017 
 [      0.283137] KPI: Bootloader start count = 21414 
 [      0.283151] KPI: Bootloader end count = 49438 
 [      0.283162] KPI: Bootloader display count = 3135809712 
 [      0.283172] KPI: Bootloader load kernel count = 17006 
 [      0.283182] KPI: Kernel MPM timestamp = 70838 
 [      0.283192] KPI: Kernel MPM Clock frequency = 32768 
 [      0.283223] socinfo_print: v0.10, id=297, ver=1.0, raw_id=72, raw_ver=0, hw_plat=8, hw_plat_ver=65536 
 [      0.283223]    accessory_chip=0, hw_plat_subtype=0, pmic_model=65539, pmic_die_revision=131074 foundry_id=1 serial_number=825885093 
 [      0.283609] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'gpio' property of node '/soc/sdcard_ext_vreg[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.283817] sdcard_ext_vreg: no parameters 
 [      0.284046] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'gpio' property of node '/soc/rome_vreg[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.284249] rome_vreg: no parameters 
 [      0.284414] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'gpio' property of node '/soc/emac_lan_vreg[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.284586] emac_lan_vreg: no parameters 
 [      0.285674] SCSI subsystem initialized 
 [      0.285892] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs 
 [      0.285978] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub 
 [      0.286169] usbcore: registered new device driver usb 
 [      0.287146] cpufreq: driver msm up and running 
 [      0.287641] platform soc:qcom,ion:qcom,ion-heap@28: assigned reserved memory node audio_region@0 
 [      0.287938] ION heap system created 
 [      0.288125] ION heap audio created at 0x8fc00000 with size 400000 
 [      0.288463] msm_bus_fabric_init_driver 
 [      0.295560] qcom,qpnp-power-on qpnp-power-on-cf30e200: PMIC@SID0 Power-on reason: Triggered from CBL (external power supply) and 'cold' boot 
 [      0.295589] qcom,qpnp-power-on qpnp-power-on-cf30e200: PMIC@SID0: Unknown power-off reason 
 [      0.295810] input: qpnp_pon as /devices/virtual/input/input0 
 [      0.296252] PMIC@SID0: PM8019 v2.2 options: 3, 2, 2, 2 
 [      0.297342] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized. 
 [      0.297927] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.19 
 [      0.297977] NET: Registered protocol family 31 
 [      0.297986] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized 
 [      0.298000] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized 
 [      0.298012] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized 
 [      0.298055] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized 
 [      0.298325] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain 
 [      0.298355] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated: 
 [      0.298364] cfg80211:    DFS Master region: unset 
 [      0.298373] cfg80211:     (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp), (dfs_cac_time) 
 [      0.298384] cfg80211:     (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A) 
 [      0.298394] cfg80211:     (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A) 
 [      0.298403] cfg80211:     (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A) 
 [      0.298413] cfg80211:     (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A) 
 [      0.298423] cfg80211:     (5250000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A) 
 [      0.298433] cfg80211:     (5490000 KHz - 5710000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A) 
 [      0.298443] cfg80211:     (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 80000 KHz), (N/A, 2000 mBm), (N/A) 
 [      0.298453] cfg80211:     (57240000 KHz - 63720000 KHz @ 2160000 KHz), (N/A, 0 mBm), (N/A) 
 [      0.299298] Switched to clocksource arch_mem_counter 
 [      0.321612] NET: Registered protocol family 2 
 [      0.322223] TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) 
 [      0.322258] TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 3, 40960 bytes) 
 [      0.322304] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048) 
 [      0.322353] TCP: reno registered 
 [      0.322366] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 12288 bytes) 
 [      0.322389] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 12288 bytes) 
 [      0.322546] NET: Registered protocol family 1 
 [      0.324203] futex hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 7168 bytes) 
 [      0.329168] msgmni has been set to 309 
 [      0.330756] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 251) 
 [      0.330776] io scheduler noop registered 
 [      0.330790] io scheduler deadline registered 
 [      0.330897] io scheduler cfq registered (default) 
 [      0.330988] gpiochip_find_base: found new base at 980 
 [      0.331091] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 980 to 1011 on device: smp2p 
 [      0.331237] gpiochip_find_base: found new base at 948 
 [      0.331328] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 948 to 979 on device: smp2p 
 [      0.331365] gpiochip_find_base: found new base at 916 
 [      0.331451] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 916 to 947 on device: smp2p 
 [      0.331589] gpiochip_find_base: found new base at 884 
 [      0.331680] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 884 to 915 on device: smp2p 
 [      0.331715] gpiochip_find_base: found new base at 852 
 [      0.331803] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 852 to 883 on device: slave-kernel 
 [      0.331904] gpiochip_find_base: found new base at 852 
 [      0.331986] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 852 to 883 on device: master-kernel 
 [      0.336911] msm_rpm_log_probe: OK 
 [      0.337731] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'qcom,gpio-proxy-unvote' property of node '/soc/qcom,mss@4080000[0]' - status (-517) 
 [      0.338753] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'qcom,tx-gpio' property of node '/soc/uart@78b1000[0]' 
 [      0.338766] uart_tx_gpio is not available 
 [      0.338776] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'qcom,rx-gpio' property of node '/soc/uart@78b1000[0]' 
 [      0.338784] uart_rx_gpio is not available 
 [      0.338794] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'qcom,cts-gpio' property of node '/soc/uart@78b1000[0]' 
 [      0.338801] uart_cts_gpio is not available 
 [      0.338811] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'qcom,rfr-gpio' property of node '/soc/uart@78b1000[0]' 
 [      0.338818] uart_rfr_gpio is not available 
 [      0.339345] sps: BAM device 0x07884000 is not registered yet. 
 [      0.339620] sps:BAM 0x07884000 is registered. 
 [      0.341775] 78b1000.uart: ttyHS0 at MMIO 0x78b1000 (irq = 151, base_baud = 460800) is a MSM HS UART 
 [      0.343639] msm_serial_hs module loaded 
 [      0.344007] msm_serial_hsl_probe: detected port #0 (ttyHSL0) 
 [      0.344044] AXI: get_pdata(): Error: Client name not found 
 [      0.344053] AXI: msm_bus_cl_get_pdata(): client has to provide missing entry for successful registration 
 [      0.344062] msm_serial_hsl_probe: Bus scaling is disabled 
 [      0.344191] 78b3000.serial: ttyHSL0 at MMIO 0x78b3000 (irq = 153, base_baud = 460800) is a MSM 
 [      0.344542] msm_serial_hsl_init: driver initialized 
 [      0.358411] brd: module loaded 
 [      0.361024] loop: module loaded 
 [      0.362639] [Max][DTR]    [quectel_power_manager_probe:391]  
 [      0.362733] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'gpios' property of node '/soc/quec,quectel-power-manager[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.362746] [Max][DTR] quectel_dt_parse_gpio_info: cnt: 0, gpio[dtr] = 5 
 [      0.362766] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'gpios' property of node '/soc/quec,quectel-power-manager[1]' - status (0) 
 [      0.362778] [Max][DTR] quectel_dt_parse_gpio_info: cnt: 1, gpio[wakeup_in] = 25 
 [      0.362801] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'gpios' property of node '/soc/quec,quectel-power-manager[2]' - status (0) 
 [      0.362812] [Max][DTR] quectel_dt_parse_gpio_info: cnt: 2, gpio[sleep_ind] = 42 
 [      0.362822] [Max][DTR] quectel_power_manager_probe: find dtr: 5  
 [      0.362829] [Max][DTR] quectel_power_manager_probe: find wakeup_in: 25  
 [      0.362837] [Max][DTR] quectel_power_manager_probe: find sleep_ind: 42  
 [      0.363061] [Max][DTR] quectel_power_manager_probe: OK ############################### 
 [      0.363328] i2c-core: driver [tabla-i2c-core] using legacy suspend method 
 [      0.363338] i2c-core: driver [tabla-i2c-core] using legacy resume method 
 [      0.363453] i2c-core: driver [wcd9xxx-i2c-core] using legacy suspend method 
 [      0.363462] i2c-core: driver [wcd9xxx-i2c-core] using legacy resume method 
 [      0.363565] i2c-core: driver [tasha-i2c-core] using legacy suspend method 
 [      0.363573] i2c-core: driver [tasha-i2c-core] using legacy resume method 
 [      0.363746] SCSI Media Changer driver v0.25  
 [      0.367443] sps: BAM device 0x07984000 is not registered yet. 
 [      0.367718] sps:BAM 0x07984000 is registered. 
 [      0.367738] msm_nand_bam_init: msm_nand_bam_init: BAM device registered: bam_handle 0xceafbc00 
 [      0.367951] sps:BAM 0x07984000 (va:0xd09a0000) enabled: ver:0x18, number of pipes:7 
 [      0.369930] msm_nand_parse_smem_ptable: Parsing partition table info from SMEM 
 [      0.369972] msm_nand_parse_smem_ptable: SMEM partition table found: ver: 4 len: 16 
 [      0.369999] msm_nand_version_check: nand_major:1, nand_minor:5, qpic_major:1, qpic_minor:5 
 [      0.370038] msm_nand_scan: NAND Id: 0x2690ac2c Buswidth: 8Bits Density: 512 MByte 
 [      0.370148] msm_nand_scan: pagesize: 4096 Erasesize: 262144 oobsize: 224 (in Bytes) 
 [      0.370157] msm_nand_scan: BCH ECC: 8 Bit 
 [      0.370171] msm_nand_scan: CFG0: 0x290409c0,             CFG1: 0x08045d5c 
 [      0.370171]               RAWCFG0: 0x2b8401c0,          RAWCFG1: 0x0005055d 
 [      0.370171]             ECCBUFCFG: 0x00000203,        ECCBCHCFG: 0x42040d10 
 [      0.370171]             RAWECCCFG: 0x42000d11, BAD BLOCK BYTE: 0x00000175 
 [      0.370193] Creating 16 MTD partitions on "7980000.nand": 
 [      0.370206] 0x000000000000-0x000000280000 : "sbl" 
 [      0.370922] 0x000000280000-0x000000500000 : "mibib" 
 [      0.371481] 0x000000500000-0x000001b00000 : "efs2" 
 [      0.372041] 0x000001b00000-0x000002500000 : "sys_rev" 
 [      0.372602] 0x000002500000-0x000002800000 : "tz" 
 [      0.373176] 0x000002800000-0x000002b00000 : "rpm" 
 [      0.373748] 0x000002b00000-0x000002e00000 : "aboot" 
 [      0.374326] 0x000002e00000-0x000003800000 : "boot" 
 [      0.374909] 0x000003800000-0x000004880000 : "scrub" 
 [      0.375513] 0x000004880000-0x0000098c0000 : "modem" 
 [      0.376071] 0x0000098c0000-0x000009bc0000 : "misc" 
 [      0.376621] 0x000009bc0000-0x00000a5c0000 : "recovery" 
 [      0.377163] 0x00000a5c0000-0x00000b9c0000 : "fota" 
 [      0.377740] 0x00000b9c0000-0x00000d7c0000 : "recoveryfs" 
 [      0.378319] 0x00000d7c0000-0x000013bc0000 : "sys_back" 
 [      0.378899] 0x000013bc0000-0x000020000000 : "system" 
 [      0.379492] msm_nand_probe: NANDc phys addr 0x7980000, BAM phys addr 0x7984000, BAM IRQ 164 
 [      0.379504] msm_nand_probe: Allocated DMA buffer at virt_addr 0xcf844000, phys_addr 0x8f844000 
 [      0.381895] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 
 [      0.383141] cnss_configure_ramdump: ramdump addr: d2c00000, phys: 0x87a00000 subsys:'AR6320' 
 [      0.383501] subsys-restart: subsys_set_state(): [cf044000]: subsys_set_state 1 
 [      0.383563] cnss_sdio 87a00000.qcom,cnss-sdio: CNSS SDIO Driver registered 
 [      0.384071] msm_otg 78d9000.usb: msm_otg probe 
 [      0.384267] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'qcom,hub-reset-gpio' property of node '/soc/usb@78d9000[0]' 
 [      0.384280] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'qcom,sw-sel-gpio' property of node '/soc/usb@78d9000[0]' 
 [      0.384315] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'qcom,usbid-gpio' property of node '/soc/usb@78d9000[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.384335] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'qcom,hsusb-otg-vddmin-gpio' property of node '/soc/usb@78d9000[0]' 
 [      0.386080] msm_otg 78d9000.usb: OTG regs = d08ee000 
 [      0.388188] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver 
 [      0.388506] ehci-msm: Qualcomm On-Chip EHCI Host Controller 
 [      0.388829] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm 
 [      0.388838] cdc_acm: USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters 
 [      0.388918] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage 
 [      0.388963] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-alauda 
 [      0.389006] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-cypress 
 [      0.389048] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-datafab 
 [      0.389090] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-freecom 
 [      0.389131] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-isd200 
 [      0.389173] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-jumpshot 
 [      0.389214] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-karma 
 [      0.389256] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-onetouch 
 [      0.389297] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr09 
 [      0.389349] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr55 
 [      0.389393] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-usbat 
 [      0.389446] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb_ehset_test 
 [      0.390646] gbridge_init: gbridge_init successs. 
 [      0.392096] qcom,qpnp-rtc qpnp-rtc-cf30ea00: rtc core: registered qpnp_rtc as rtc0 
 [      0.392346] i2c /dev entries driver 
 [      0.393036] unable to find DT imem DLOAD mode node 
 [      0.393325] unable to find DT imem EDLOAD mode node 
 [      0.393566] unable to find DT imem dload-type node 
 [      0.396381] msm_otg 78d9000.usb: phy_reset: success 
 [      0.414812] Bluetooth: HCI UART driver ver 2.2 
 [      0.414827] Bluetooth: HCI H4 protocol initialized 
 [      0.414836] Bluetooth: HCI_IBS protocol initialized 
 [      0.414967] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'qca,bt-reset-gpio' property of node '/bt_qca6174[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.414981] bt_dt_parse_vreg_info: qca,bt-vdd-core: is not provided in device tree 
 [      0.415025] bt_power bt_qca6174: no qca,bt-vdd-pa-voltage-level property 
 [      0.415035] bt_dt_parse_vreg_info: qca,bt-vdd-ldo: is not provided in device tree 
 [      0.415045] bt_dt_parse_vreg_info: qca,bt-chip-pwd: is not provided in device tree 
 [      0.415871] sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver 
 [      0.415883] sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman 
 [      0.415895] sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper 
 [      0.416318] sdhci_msm 7824900.sdhci: sdhci_msm_probe: ICE device is not enabled 
 [      0.416344] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'cd-gpios' property of node '/soc/sdhci@7824900[0]' 
 [      0.416365] sdhci_msm 7824900.sdhci: No vreg data found for vdd 
 [      0.416536] sdhci_msm 7824900.sdhci: sdhci_msm_pm_qos_parse_irq: error -22 reading irq cpu 
 [      0.416548] sdhci_msm 7824900.sdhci: sdhci_msm_pm_qos_parse: PM QoS voting for IRQ will be disabled 
 [      0.416561] sdhci_msm 7824900.sdhci: sdhci_msm_pm_qos_parse: PM QoS voting for cpu group will be disabled 
 [      0.419001] sdhci_msm 7824900.sdhci: sdhci_msm_probe: sdiowakeup_irq = 354 
 [      0.419359] sdhci_msm 7824900.sdhci: No vmmc regulator found 
 [      0.419372] sdhci_msm 7824900.sdhci: No vqmmc regulator found 
 [      0.419719] mmc0: SDHCI controller on 7824900.sdhci [7824900.sdhci] using 32-bit ADMA in legacy mode 
 [      0.448402] sdhci_msm 7864900.sdhci: sdhci_msm_probe: ICE device is not enabled 
 [      0.448423] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'cd-gpios' property of node '/soc/sdhci@07864900[0]' 
 [      0.448678] sdhci_msm 7864900.sdhci: sdhci_msm_pm_qos_parse_irq: error -22 reading irq cpu 
 [      0.448690] sdhci_msm 7864900.sdhci: sdhci_msm_pm_qos_parse: PM QoS voting for IRQ will be disabled 
 [      0.448704] sdhci_msm 7864900.sdhci: sdhci_msm_pm_qos_parse: PM QoS voting for cpu group will be disabled 
 [      0.455863] sdhci_msm 7864900.sdhci: No vmmc regulator found 
 [      0.455880] sdhci_msm 7864900.sdhci: No vqmmc regulator found 
 [      0.456247] mmc1: SDHCI controller on 7864900.sdhci [7864900.sdhci] using 32-bit ADMA in legacy mode 
 [      0.485495] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid 
 [      0.485507] usbhid: USB HID core driver 
 [      0.486860] bimc-bwmon 408000.qcom,cpu-bwmon: BW HWmon governor registered. 
 [      0.487468] devfreq soc:qcom,cpubw: Couldn't update frequency transition information. 
 [      0.487807] coresight-fuse a601c.fuse: QPDI fuse not specified 
 [      0.487895] coresight-fuse a601c.fuse: Fuse initialized 
 [      0.490894] coresight-csr 6001000.csr: CSR initialized 
 [      0.494779] coresight-tmc 6026000.tmc: Byte Counter feature enabled 
 [      0.495208] sps:BAM 0x06084000 is registered. 
 [      0.495457] coresight-tmc 6026000.tmc: TMC initialized 
 [      0.495744] coresight-tmc 6025000.tmc: TMC initialized 
 [      0.497229] nidnt boot config: 0 
 [      0.498006] coresight-tpiu 6020000.tpiu: NIDnT on SDCARD only mode 
 [      0.498130] coresight-tpiu 6020000.tpiu: TPIU initialized 
 [      0.499184] coresight-replicator 6024000.replicator: REPLICATOR initialized 
 [      0.499695] coresight-stm 6002000.stm: STM initialized 
 [      0.500312] coresight-hwevent 606c000.hwevent: Hardware Event driver initialized 
 [      0.501492] @Ramos Qstart_init entry !!! 
 [      0.501793] [Max][SMEM] qsmem_init running: misc_register return 0 
 [      0.501810] [Sunyd]==========>>[SMD] qsmd_init running... 
 [      0.504308] sps:BAM 0x078c4000 is registered. 
 [      0.504357] IPA HW is not supported on this target 
 [      0.514794] msm-compr-dsp soc:qcom,msm-compr-dsp: msm_compr_probe: dev name soc:qcom,msm-compr-dsp 
 [      0.516424] msm_pcm_probe: dev name soc:qcom,msm-voice-host-pcm 
 [      0.521180] mdm9607-asoc-tomtom soc:sound: ASoC: platform (null) not registered 
 [      0.521511] Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30. 
 [      0.521581] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (2478 buckets, 9912 max) 
 [      0.521970] ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink. 
 [      0.522268] ip_set: protocol 6 
 [      0.522627] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team 
 [      0.522784] arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller 
 [      0.522819] TCP: cubic registered 
 [      0.523292] NET: Registered protocol family 10 
 [      0.524260] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team 
 [      0.524476] sit: IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver 
 [      0.525026] NET: Registered protocol family 17 
 [      0.525107] bridge: automatic filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables has been deprecated. Update your scripts to load br_netfilter if you need this. 
 [      0.525141] Bridge firewalling registered 
 [      0.525156] Ebtables v2.0 registered 
 [      0.526143] NET: Registered protocol family 27 
 [      0.528297] gpiochip_find_base: found new base at 852 
 [      0.528411] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 852 to 883 on device: slave-kernel 
 [      0.528640] gpiochip_find_base: found new base at 820 
 [      0.528740] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 820 to 851 on device: master-kernel 
 [      0.529156] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'qcom,gpio-proxy-unvote' property of node '/soc/qcom,mss@4080000[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.529796] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'qcom,gpio-err-fatal' property of node '/soc/qcom,mss@4080000[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.529815] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'qcom,gpio-err-ready' property of node '/soc/qcom,mss@4080000[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.529828] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'qcom,gpio-stop-ack' property of node '/soc/qcom,mss@4080000[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.529843] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'qcom,gpio-force-stop' property of node '/soc/qcom,mss@4080000[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.529858] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'qcom,gpio-shutdown-ack' property of node '/soc/qcom,mss@4080000[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.532139] mdm9607-asoc-tomtom soc:sound: ASoC: CODEC DAI a not registered 
 [      0.533732] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'gpios' property of node '/soc/qcom,smp2pgpio_test_smp2p_15_in[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.533796] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'gpios' property of node '/soc/qcom,smp2pgpio_test_smp2p_15_out[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.533847] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'gpios' property of node '/soc/qcom,smp2pgpio_test_smp2p_1_in[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.533897] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'gpios' property of node '/soc/qcom,smp2pgpio_test_smp2p_1_out[0]' - status (0) 
 [      0.612246] mdm9607-asoc-tomtom soc:sound: ASoC: CODEC DAI a not registered 
 [      0.612570] ubi0: attaching mtd15 
 [      1.300899] ubi0: scanning is finished 
 [      1.307269] ubi0: attached mtd15 (name "system", size 196 MiB) 
 [      1.307283] ubi0: PEB size: 262144 bytes (256 KiB), LEB size: 253952 bytes 
 [      1.307292] ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 4096/4096, sub-page size 4096 
 [      1.307301] ubi0: VID header offset: 4096 (aligned 4096), data offset: 8192 
 [      1.307310] ubi0: good PEBs: 785, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0 
 [      1.307318] ubi0: user volume: 3, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128 
 [      1.307328] ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 3/1, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1361646696 
 [      1.307337] ubi0: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 785, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 40 
 [      1.307361] ubi1: attaching mtd9 
 [      1.320105] ubi0: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 124 
 [      1.587794] ubi1: scanning is finished 
 [      1.593614] ubi1: attached mtd9 (name "modem", size 80 MiB) 
 [      1.593628] ubi1: PEB size: 262144 bytes (256 KiB), LEB size: 253952 bytes 
 [      1.593637] ubi1: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 4096/4096, sub-page size 4096 
 [      1.593646] ubi1: VID header offset: 4096 (aligned 4096), data offset: 8192 
 [      1.593654] ubi1: good PEBs: 321, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0 
 [      1.593663] ubi1: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128 
 [      1.593673] ubi1: max/mean erase counter: 2/0, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 162890607 
 [      1.593682] ubi1: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 321, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 40 
 [      1.593720] RNDIS_IPA module is loaded. 
 [      1.594361] file system registered 
 [      1.594449] mbim_init: initialize 1 instances 
 [      1.594533] mbim_init: Initialized 1 ports 
 [      1.594752] ubi1: background thread "ubi_bgt1d" started, PID 125 
 [      1.596377] rndis_qc_init: initialize rndis QC instance 
 [      1.596673] Number of LUNs=8 
 [      1.596687] Mass Storage Function, version: 2009/09/11 
 [      1.596699] LUN: removable file: (no medium) 
 [      1.596719] Number of LUNs=1 
 [      1.596793] LUN: removable file: (no medium) 
 [      1.596802] Number of LUNs=1 
 [      1.597085] android_usb gadget: android_usb ready 
 [      1.597099] msm_hsusb msm_hsusb: [ci13xxx_start] hw_ep_max = 32 
 [      1.597146] msm_hsusb msm_hsusb: CI13XXX_CONTROLLER_RESET_EVENT received 
 [      1.597160] msm_hsusb msm_hsusb: CI13XXX_CONTROLLER_UDC_STARTED_EVENT received 
 [      1.597783] mdm9607-asoc-tomtom soc:sound: ASoC: CODEC DAI a not registered 
 [      1.598245] qcom,qpnp-rtc qpnp-rtc-cf30ea00: setting system clock to 1970-01-01 00:01:17 UTC (77) 
 [      1.599384] mdm9607-asoc-tomtom soc:sound: ASoC: CODEC DAI a not registered 
 [      1.601087] parse_legacy_cluster_params(): Ignoring cluster params 
 [      1.601103] ------------[ cut here ]------------ 
 [      1.601121] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1 at /home/becking/9X07_V/EC25_V/MDM9x07/MCU_R02/apps_proc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work-shared/mdm9607-perf/kernel-source/drivers/cpuidle/lpm-levels-of.c:739 parse_cluster+0xb48/0xcac() 
 [      1.601129] Modules linked in: 
 [      1.601143] CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper Not tainted 3.18.20 #1 
 [      1.601171] [<c001312c>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c0011380>] (show_stack+0x10/0x14) 
 [      1.601188] [<c0011380>] (show_stack) from [<c001c1e0>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x68/0x88) 
 [      1.601202] [<c001c1e0>] (warn_slowpath_common) from [<c001c290>] (warn_slowpath_null+0x18/0x20) 
 [      1.601216] [<c001c290>] (warn_slowpath_null) from [<c03b2c30>] (parse_cluster+0xb48/0xcac) 
 [      1.601231] [<c03b2c30>] (parse_cluster) from [<c03b0250>] (lpm_probe+0xc/0x1ec) 
 [      1.601246] [<c03b0250>] (lpm_probe) from [<c025b104>] (platform_drv_probe+0x30/0x7c) 
 [      1.601263] [<c025b104>] (platform_drv_probe) from [<c0259950>] (driver_probe_device+0xb8/0x1dc) 
 [      1.601278] [<c0259950>] (driver_probe_device) from [<c0259b20>] (__driver_attach+0x68/0x8c) 
 [      1.601293] [<c0259b20>] (__driver_attach) from [<c025821c>] (bus_for_each_dev+0x6c/0x90) 
 [      1.601308] [<c025821c>] (bus_for_each_dev) from [<c02591a0>] (bus_add_driver+0xe0/0x1c8) 
 [      1.601322] [<c02591a0>] (bus_add_driver) from [<c025a350>] (driver_register+0x9c/0xe0) 
 [      1.601338] [<c025a350>] (driver_register) from [<c0a46b28>] (lpm_levels_module_init+0x14/0x38) 
 [      1.601353] [<c0a46b28>] (lpm_levels_module_init) from [<c00088f0>] (do_one_initcall+0xf8/0x1a0) 
 [      1.601368] [<c00088f0>] (do_one_initcall) from [<c0a20d30>] (kernel_init_freeable+0xf0/0x1b0) 
 [      1.601384] [<c0a20d30>] (kernel_init_freeable) from [<c06d87b8>] (kernel_init+0x10/0x1dc) 
 [      1.601399] [<c06d87b8>] (kernel_init) from [<c000dce0>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x34) 
 [      1.601408] ---[ end trace b1a68bbeb03c7033 ]--- 
 [      1.601438] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1 at /home/becking/9X07_V/EC25_V/MDM9x07/MCU_R02/apps_proc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work-shared/mdm9607-perf/kernel-source/drivers/cpuidle/lpm-levels-of.c:739 parse_cluster+0xb48/0xcac() 
 [      1.601446] Modules linked in: 
 [      1.601457] CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper Tainted: G          W        3.18.20 #1 
 [      1.601472] [<c001312c>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c0011380>] (show_stack+0x10/0x14) 
 [      1.601486] [<c0011380>] (show_stack) from [<c001c1e0>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x68/0x88) 
 [      1.601499] [<c001c1e0>] (warn_slowpath_common) from [<c001c290>] (warn_slowpath_null+0x18/0x20) 
 [      1.601513] [<c001c290>] (warn_slowpath_null) from [<c03b2c30>] (parse_cluster+0xb48/0xcac) 
 [      1.601526] [<c03b2c30>] (parse_cluster) from [<c03b0250>] (lpm_probe+0xc/0x1ec) 
 [      1.601539] [<c03b0250>] (lpm_probe) from [<c025b104>] (platform_drv_probe+0x30/0x7c) 
 [      1.601553] [<c025b104>] (platform_drv_probe) from [<c0259950>] (driver_probe_device+0xb8/0x1dc) 
 [      1.601568] [<c0259950>] (driver_probe_device) from [<c0259b20>] (__driver_attach+0x68/0x8c) 
 [      1.601582] [<c0259b20>] (__driver_attach) from [<c025821c>] (bus_for_each_dev+0x6c/0x90) 
 [      1.601596] [<c025821c>] (bus_for_each_dev) from [<c02591a0>] (bus_add_driver+0xe0/0x1c8) 
 [      1.601610] [<c02591a0>] (bus_add_driver) from [<c025a350>] (driver_register+0x9c/0xe0) 
 [      1.601625] [<c025a350>] (driver_register) from [<c0a46b28>] (lpm_levels_module_init+0x14/0x38) 
 [      1.601639] [<c0a46b28>] (lpm_levels_module_init) from [<c00088f0>] (do_one_initcall+0xf8/0x1a0) 
 [      1.601652] [<c00088f0>] (do_one_initcall) from [<c0a20d30>] (kernel_init_freeable+0xf0/0x1b0) 
 [      1.601666] [<c0a20d30>] (kernel_init_freeable) from [<c06d87b8>] (kernel_init+0x10/0x1dc) 
 [      1.601679] [<c06d87b8>] (kernel_init) from [<c000dce0>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x34) 
 [      1.601687] ---[ end trace b1a68bbeb03c7034 ]--- 
 [      1.601704] /soc/qcom,lpm-levels/qcom,pm-cluster@0: No CPU phandle, assuming single cluster 
 [      1.602659] mdm9607-asoc-tomtom soc:sound: ASoC: CODEC DAI a not registered 
 [      1.604308] qcom,cc-debug-mdm9607 1800000.qcom,debug: Registered Debug Mux successfully 
 [      1.604900] mdm9607-asoc-tomtom soc:sound: ASoC: CODEC DAI a not registered 
 [      1.605337] emac_lan_vreg: disabling 
 [      1.605351] rome_vreg: disabling 
 [      1.605359] sdcard_ext_vreg: disabling 
 [      1.605390] mem_acc_corner: disabling 
 [      1.605407] clock_late_init: Removing enables held for handed-off clocks 
 [      1.606971] ALSA device list: 
 [      1.606982]     No soundcards found. 
 [      1.607078] Warning: unable to open an initial console. 
 [      1.620132] UBIFS (ubi0:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt0_0" started, PID 131 
 [      1.658147] UBIFS (ubi0:0): recovery needed 
 [      1.830135] UBIFS (ubi0:0): recovery completed 
 [      1.830215] UBIFS (ubi0:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 0, name "rootfs" 
 [      1.830227] UBIFS (ubi0:0): LEB size: 253952 bytes (248 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 4096 bytes/4096 bytes 
 [      1.830238] UBIFS (ubi0:0): FS size: 63741952 bytes (60 MiB, 251 LEBs), journal size 9404416 bytes (8 MiB, 38 LEBs) 
 [      1.830247] UBIFS (ubi0:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB) 
 [      1.830260] UBIFS (ubi0:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID F2A052C8-E1B3-4486-B70C-FF316E333D48, small LPT model 
 [      1.832661] VFS: Mounted root (ubifs filesystem) on device 0:12. 
 [      1.833080] Freeing unused kernel memory: 288K (c0a20000 - c0a68000) 
 [      1.833094] @Ramos<A1><A1>Kernel command line: noinitrd    rw console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.hardware=qcom ehci-hcd.park=3 msm_rtb.filter=0x37 lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1    earlycon=msm_hsl_uart,0x78b3000    androidboot.serialno=313a01a5 androidboot.baseband=msm rootfstype=ubifs rootflags=bulk_read root=ubi0:rootfs ubi.mtd=15 ubi.mtd=9 
 [      1.936329] UBIFS (ubi1:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 1, volume 0, name "modem", R/O mode 
 [      1.936347] UBIFS (ubi1:0): LEB size: 253952 bytes (248 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 4096 bytes/4096 bytes 
 [      1.936359] UBIFS (ubi1:0): FS size: 67805184 bytes (64 MiB, 267 LEBs), journal size 9404416 bytes (8 MiB, 38 LEBs) 
 [      1.936368] UBIFS (ubi1:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB) 
 [      1.936380] UBIFS (ubi1:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID C3F2EA6E-08D9-4423-9FED-EC943F9D938C, small LPT model 
 [      1.938752] quectel_mount_success  
 [      1.938770] subsys-restart: __subsystem_get(): Changing subsys fw_name to modem 
 [      1.953526] pil-q6v5-mss 4080000.qcom,mss: modem: loading from 0x82a00000 to 0x87a00000 
 [      1.980423] pil-q6v5-mss 4080000.qcom,mss: Debug policy not present - msadp. Continue. 
 [      1.981161] pil-q6v5-mss 4080000.qcom,mss: Loading MBA and DP (if present) from 0x8f900000 to 0x8fa00000 
 [      2.028098] pil-q6v5-mss 4080000.qcom,mss: MBA boot done 
 [      6.224857] pil-q6v5-mss 4080000.qcom,mss: modem: Brought out of reset 
 [      6.324991] mdm9607-asoc-tomtom soc:sound: ASoC: CODEC DAI a not registered 
 [      6.326369] pil-q6v5-mss 4080000.qcom,mss: Subsystem error monitoring/handling services are up 
 [      6.326423] pil-q6v5-mss 4080000.qcom,mss: modem: Power/Clock ready interrupt received 
 [      6.326657] M-Notify: General: 7 
 [      6.326697] subsys-restart: subsys_set_state(): [cf044000]: subsys_set_state 1 
 [      6.326714] @Ramos kernel_init try_to_run_init_process entry !!!! 
 [      6.326714]  
 [      6.343697] @Ramos kernel_init try_to_run_init_process EXIT 11111 
 [      6.343697]  
 [      6.529466] mdm9607-asoc-tomtom soc:sound: ASoC: CODEC DAI a not registered 
 [      6.530777] mdm9607-asoc-tomtom soc:sound: ASoC: CODEC DAI a not registered 
 [      6.530964] diag: In diag_send_feature_mask_update, control channel is not open, p: 0, c0beb5e8 
 [      6.532821] mdm9607-asoc-tomtom soc:sound: ASoC: CODEC DAI a not registered 
 [      6.548058] apr_tal:Modem Is Up 
 [      6.548921] mdm9607-asoc-tomtom soc:sound: ASoC: CODEC DAI a not registered 
 [      7.260205] UBIFS (ubi0:1): background thread "ubifs_bgt0_1" started, PID 185 
 [      7.260873] [Max][USB_DEF_ID_CHECK] quec_usb_pid exists! 
 [      7.283278] [Max][USB_DEF_ID_CHECK] quec_usb_vid exists! 
 [      7.283392] [Max][USB_DEF_ID_CHECK] USB ID in fs: pid is 0125 && pid is 2C7C 
 [      7.334697] enable_store: android_usb: already disabled 
 [      7.344229] UBIFS (ubi0:1): recovery needed 
 [      7.501159] read descriptors 
 [      7.501182] read strings 
 [      7.684348] UBIFS (ubi0:1): recovery completed 
 [      7.684432] UBIFS (ubi0:1): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 1, name "usrfs" 
 [      7.684444] UBIFS (ubi0:1): LEB size: 253952 bytes (248 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 4096 bytes/4096 bytes 
 [      7.684455] UBIFS (ubi0:1): FS size: 61456384 bytes (58 MiB, 242 LEBs), journal size 9404416 bytes (8 MiB, 38 LEBs) 
 [      7.684464] UBIFS (ubi0:1): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB) 
 [      7.684477] UBIFS (ubi0:1): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID A146802F-27F5-47D6-9E76-DE8EB380B587, small LPT model 
 [      8.485649] QCMAP:start 
 [      8.500590] QTI:start 
 [      8.979570] USB QCMAP NL IOCTL Snd GETNEIGH Succ 
 [      8.990684] enter rt5616_modinit 
 [      8.990759] enter rt5616_i2c_probe 
 [      9.055270] msm-pcm-routing soc:qcom,msm-pcm-routing: ASoC: no dapm match for VOICEMMODE1_DL --> VoiceMMode1 --> SEC_MI2S_RX_Voice Mixer 
 [      9.055289] msm-pcm-routing soc:qcom,msm-pcm-routing: ASoC: Failed to add route VOICEMMODE1_DL -> VoiceMMode1 -> SEC_MI2S_RX_Voice Mixer 
 [      9.055324] msm-pcm-routing soc:qcom,msm-pcm-routing: ASoC: no dapm match for VOICEMMODE2_DL --> VoiceMMode2 --> SEC_MI2S_RX_Voice Mixer 
 [      9.055335] msm-pcm-routing soc:qcom,msm-pcm-routing: ASoC: Failed to add route VOICEMMODE2_DL -> VoiceMMode2 -> SEC_MI2S_RX_Voice Mixer 
 [      9.082276] msm-pcm-routing soc:qcom,msm-pcm-routing: ASoC: no dapm match for VOICE2_STUB_DL --> Voice2 Stub --> INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX_Voice Mixer 
 [      9.082296] msm-pcm-routing soc:qcom,msm-pcm-routing: ASoC: Failed to add route VOICE2_STUB_DL -> Voice2 Stub -> INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX_Voice Mixer 
 [      9.083284] msm-pcm-routing soc:qcom,msm-pcm-routing: ASoC: no sink widget found for SENARY_MI2S_TX 
 [      9.083296] msm-pcm-routing soc:qcom,msm-pcm-routing: ASoC: Failed to add route BE_IN -> direct -> SENARY_MI2S_TX 
 [      9.094961] ------------[ cut here ]------------ 
 [      9.094995] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 410 at /home/becking/9X07_V/EC25_V/MDM9x07/MCU_R02/apps_proc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work-shared/mdm9607-perf/kernel-source/net/netfilter/nf_queue.c:35 nf_register_queue_handler+0x28/0x38() 
 [      9.095004] Modules linked in: snd_soc_alc5616 
 [      9.095021] CPU: 0 PID: 410 Comm: sh Tainted: G          W        3.18.20 #1 
 [      9.095048] [<c001312c>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c0011380>] (show_stack+0x10/0x14) 
 [      9.095065] [<c0011380>] (show_stack) from [<c001c1e0>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x68/0x88) 
 [      9.095079] [<c001c1e0>] (warn_slowpath_common) from [<c001c290>] (warn_slowpath_null+0x18/0x20) 
 [      9.095094] [<c001c290>] (warn_slowpath_null) from [<c057ebb8>] (nf_register_queue_handler+0x28/0x38) 
 [      9.095110] [<c057ebb8>] (nf_register_queue_handler) from [<c0598e30>] (proc_sip_segment+0x38/0x54) 
 [      9.095126] [<c0598e30>] (proc_sip_segment) from [<c0120930>] (proc_sys_call_handler+0x98/0xb4) 
 [      9.095142] [<c0120930>] (proc_sys_call_handler) from [<c012095c>] (proc_sys_write+0x10/0x18) 
 [      9.095156] [<c012095c>] (proc_sys_write) from [<c00d4f48>] (vfs_write+0xb8/0x170) 
 [      9.095168] [<c00d4f48>] (vfs_write) from [<c00d53b8>] (SyS_write+0x40/0x80) 
 [      9.095182] [<c00d53b8>] (SyS_write) from [<c000dc40>] (ret_fast_syscall+0x0/0x38) 
 [      9.095191] ---[ end trace b1a68bbeb03c7035 ]--- 
 [      9.171020] msm-pcm-routing soc:qcom,msm-pcm-routing: ASoC: mux SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX has no paths 
 [      9.188056] enter rt5616_probe 
 [      9.188079] alc5616-codec 2-001b: func: rt5616_reset, reset codec  
 [      9.188201] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: msm_bus_scale_register_client(mstr-id:86):0x7 (ok) 
 [      9.188418] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.190357] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:2 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:2 tx:1) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000010 
 [      9.210555] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:2 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:2 tx:1) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000010 
 [      9.210836] alc5616-codec 2-001b: func: rt5616_reg_init, init codec  
 [      9.210929] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x091343c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.211045] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.211155] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.211287] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.211415] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.211538] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.211661] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.211781] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.211902] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.212021] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.212141] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.212261] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.212380] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.212505] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) 
  bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.212625] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.212745] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.212863] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.212983] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.213128] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.213267] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.213412] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.213552] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.213693] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.213836] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.213979] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.214120] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.214263] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.214406] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.214546] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.214688] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.214828] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.214967] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.215108] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.215248] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.215391] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.215532] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.215676] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.215816] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.215958] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.216099] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.216238] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.216378] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.216534] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.216677] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.219293] msm-dai-stub-dev soc:qcom,msm-dai-stub:qcom,msm-dai-stub-dtmf-tx: ASoC: no sink widget found for STUB_DTMF_TX 
 [      9.219314] msm-dai-stub-dev soc:qcom,msm-dai-stub:qcom,msm-dai-stub-dtmf-tx: ASoC: Failed to add route DTMF TX -> direct -> STUB_DTMF_TX 
 [      9.219372] msm-dai-stub-dev soc:qcom,msm-dai-stub:qcom,msm-dai-stub-host-rx-capture-tx: ASoC: no sink widget found for STUB_HOST_RX_CAPTURE_TX 
 [      9.219387] msm-dai-stub-dev soc:qcom,msm-dai-stub:qcom,msm-dai-stub-host-rx-capture-tx: ASoC: Failed to add route CS-VOICE HOST RX CAPTURE -> direct -> STUB_HOST_RX_CAPTURE_TX 
 [      9.219436] msm-dai-stub-dev soc:qcom,msm-dai-stub:qcom,msm-dai-stub-host-rx-playback-rx: ASoC: no source widget found for STUB_HOST_RX_PLAYBACK_RX 
 [      9.219448] msm-dai-stub-dev soc:qcom,msm-dai-stub:qcom,msm-dai-stub-host-rx-playback-rx: ASoC: Failed to add route STUB_HOST_RX_PLAYBACK_RX -> direct -> CS-VOICE HOST RX PLAYBACK 
 [      9.219497] msm-dai-stub-dev soc:qcom,msm-dai-stub:qcom,msm-dai-stub-host-tx-capture-tx: ASoC: no sink widget found for STUB_HOST_TX_CAPTURE_TX 
 [      9.219510] msm-dai-stub-dev soc:qcom,msm-dai-stub:qcom,msm-dai-stub-host-tx-capture-tx: ASoC: Failed to add route CS-VOICE HOST TX CAPTURE -> direct -> STUB_HOST_TX_CAPTURE_TX 
 [      9.219556] msm-dai-stub-dev soc:qcom,msm-dai-stub:qcom,msm-dai-stub-host-tx-playback-rx: ASoC: no source widget found for STUB_HOST_TX_PLAYBACK_RX 
 [      9.219569] msm-dai-stub-dev soc:qcom,msm-dai-stub:qcom,msm-dai-stub-host-tx-playback-rx: ASoC: Failed to add route STUB_HOST_TX_PLAYBACK_RX -> direct -> CS-VOICE HOST TX PLAYBACK 
 [      9.244443] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.247326] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) 
  bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.247449] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x011363c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.247555] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0113e3c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.247665] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x091343c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.247771] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x091343c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.247874] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x091343c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.248009] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x091343c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.248146] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x091343c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.248284] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x091383c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.248454] i2c-msm-v2 78b6000.i2c: NACK: slave not responding, ensure its powered: msgs(n:1 cur:0 tx) bc(rx:0 tx:3) mode:FIFO slv_addr:0x1b MSTR_STS:0x0d1300c8 OPER:0x00000090 
 [      9.822921] subsys-restart: state_show(): [cac93180]: state ONLINE 
 [      9.832372] msm_hsusb msm_hsusb: CI13XXX_CONTROLLER_CONNECT_EVENT received 
 [      9.865276] embms:start/load 
 [     10.068967] msm_thermal:set_enabled enabled = 0 
 [     10.185132] msm_otg 78d9000.usb: Avail curr from USB = 100 
 [     10.185477] android_work: android_work: did not send uevent (0 0     (null)) 
 [     10.252490] subsys-restart: quec_state_show(): [cad20b00]: line: 216, quectel_restart_modem: 0 
 [     10.255758] android_work: android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED 
 [     10.260697] android_work: android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=DISCONNECTED 
 [     10.359722] android_work: android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED 
 [     10.371389] android_usb gadget: high-speed config #1: 86000c8.android_usb 
 [     10.371440] diag: USB channel diag connected 
 [     10.371652] msm_otg 78d9000.usb: Avail curr from USB = 500 
 [     10.372047] gbam_connect_work: gbam_connect_work: Bam channel is not ready 
 [     10.432191] android_work: android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONFIGURED 
 [     10.475471] sps:BAM 0x04044000 is registered. 
 [     10.475673] sps:BAM 0x04044000 (va:0xd18e0000) enabled: ver:0x27, number of pipes:6 
 [     11.086196] random: lighttpd urandom read with 39 bits of entropy available 
 [     11.382939] QCMAP:Start DHCP server 
 [     11.420189] [Max][SMEM][qsmem_unlocked_ioctl][200] OK! QSMEM_IOCTL_SET_RDY_STATE: successful to copy data to user[qsmem_ready_state=1,pre_state=0] 
 [     11.420220] [Max][SMEM] find SMEM_ID_VENDOR1 OK when qsmem ready notification has come 
 [     11.420266] [Max][SMEM] qsmem_write over! res=0 
 [     11.420283] [Max][SMEM] qsmem_read wait - begin 
 [     11.614159] QCMAP:DHCP server started 
 [     11.622946] QCMAP:DHCP server started 
 [     11.843212] QCMAP:Init Complete 
 [     11.920129] [Max][SMEM] [qsmem_poll_timer_cb:110] Status=[A],AliveTime=0,condition=0 
 [     11.926788] eMBMs Tunneling Module:start 
 [     12.347910] Shortcut_FE_IPV4:start/load 
 [     12.394494] Shortcut_FE_IPV6:start/load 
 [     12.398979] gser_suspend: Un-supported transport: TTY 
 [     12.399035] msm_otg 78d9000.usb: Avail curr from USB = 2 
 [     12.399064] msm_hsusb msm_hsusb: CI13XXX_CONTROLLER_SUSPEND_EVENT received 
 [     12.399130] android_work: android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=SUSPENDED 
 [     12.420137] [Max][SMEM] [qsmem_poll_timer_cb:110] Status=[M],AliveTime=1,condition=0 
 [     12.420171] [Max][SMEM] qsmem_poll_timer_cb:121 Modem Msg received. 
 [     12.420243] [Max][SMEM] qsmem_read wait end and del time![r=0] 
 [     12.457623] [Max][USB_DEF_ID_CHECK] get usb id from modem: pid=0x125, vid=0x2C7C 
 [     12.466277] [Max][SMEM] qsmem_write over! res=0 
 [     12.466302] [Max][SMEM] qsmem_read wait - begin 
 [     12.467023] Shortcut_FE_CM:start/load 
 [     12.701102] [Max][USB_DEF_ID_CHECK] cur usb id: pid is 0125,vid is 2C7C 
 [     12.701212] [Max][USB_DEF_ID_CHECK] test usb id: pid's 0125,vid is 2C7C 
 [     12.701307] [Max][USB_DEF_ID_CHECK] B_USB_ORG=[lrwxrwxrwx      1 root       root              27 Aug 27    2016 /sbin/usb/boot_hsusb_composition -> /sbin/usb/compositions/9025] 
 [     12.701528] [Max][USB_DEF_ID_CHECK] USB ID is still defined by Quectel! So check it... 
 [     12.701703] [Max][USB_DEF_ID_CHECK] test usb PID is the same with cur usb id 
 [     12.701770] [Max][USB_DEF_ID_CHECK] test usb VID is the same with cur usb id 
 [     12.746250] afe_debug_open: debug intf afe_loop_gain 
 [     12.746354] afe_debug_write: afe_loop_gain 4109 2 
 [     12.960134] [Max][SMEM] [qsmem_poll_timer_cb:110] Status=[A],AliveTime=0,condition=0 
 [     13.006333] subsys-restart: state_show(): [ca828580]: state ONLINE 
 [     13.188159] subsys-restart: state_show(): [cae5a100]: state ONLINE 
 [     13.200330] QTI_PPP:start 
 [     13.460125] [Max][SMEM] [qsmem_poll_timer_cb:110] Status=[M],AliveTime=1,condition=0 
 [     13.460156] [Max][SMEM] qsmem_poll_timer_cb:121 Modem Msg received. 
 [     13.460222] [Max][SMEM] qsmem_read wait end and del time![r=0] 
 [     13.542972] [Max][SMEM] QUECTEL_MODEM_SMEM_INIT_CMP has recved 1 time 
 [     13.586088] mbimd: Proc start 
 [     13.624645] mbim_open: Open mbim driver 
 [     13.624660] mbim_open: Lock mbim_dev->open_excl for open 
 [     13.624668] mbim_open: USB cable not connected 
 [     13.624675] mbim_open: Exit, mbim file opened 
 [     13.830631] [Max][DTR][(null):-1066321201] smd_open_ret = 193 
 [     13.830703] [Max][DTR]    [dtr_notify:165] event=2 
 [     13.830712] [Max][DTR] DTR SMD EVENT OPEN 
 [     13.830765] [Max][DTR]    [dtr_notify:165] event=4 
 [     13.830796] [Max][DTR] dtr_devp->flag=-1,value = 1,cbits_to_modem = 0,~cbits_to_modem = -1 func = send_data_to_smd 
 [     14.045105] msm_otg 78d9000.usb: USB in low power mode 
 [     18.613861] USB QCMAP NL IOCTL Snd GETNEIGH Succ 
 [     18.704247] USB QCMAP NL IOCTL Snd GETNEIGH Succ 
 [     33.530408] random: nonblocking pool is initialized 
 [     43.580662] ------------[ cut here ]------------ 
 [     43.580730] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /home/becking/9X07_V/EC25_V/MDM9x07/MCU_R02/apps_proc/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work-shared/mdm9607-perf/kernel-source/net/core/dev.c:3413 netif_rx_internal+0x4c/0x248() 
 [     43.580745] Cloned packet from dev bridge0 
 [     43.580760] Modules linked in: shortcut_fe_cm(O) shortcut_fe_ipv6(O) shortcut_fe(O) embms_kernel(O) snd_soc_alc5616 
 [     43.580805] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper Tainted: G          W    O     3.18.20 #1 
 [     43.580856] [<c001312c>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c0011380>] (show_stack+0x10/0x14) 
 [     43.580886] [<c0011380>] (show_stack) from [<c001c1e0>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x68/0x88) 
 [     43.580910] [<c001c1e0>] (warn_slowpath_common) from [<c001c22c>] (warn_slowpath_fmt+0x2c/0x3c) 
 [     43.580935] [<c001c22c>] (warn_slowpath_fmt) from [<c0558f80>] (netif_rx_internal+0x4c/0x248) 
 [     43.580960] [<c0558f80>] (netif_rx_internal) from [<c05592c0>] (netif_rx_ni+0x8c/0xf4) 
 [     43.580982] [<c05592c0>] (netif_rx_ni) from [<c05593e0>] (dev_loopback_xmit+0xb8/0xc4) 
 [     43.581009] [<c05593e0>] (dev_loopback_xmit) from [<c060d6bc>] (ip6_finish_output2+0xe0/0x4dc) 
 [     43.581039] [<c060d6bc>] (ip6_finish_output2) from [<c062bcfc>] (igmp6_send+0x30c/0x51c) 
 [     43.581067] [<c062bcfc>] (igmp6_send) from [<c062d35c>] (igmp6_timer_handler+0x2c/0x6c) 
 [     43.581097] [<c062d35c>] (igmp6_timer_handler) from [<c0052010>] (call_timer_fn+0x84/0x17c) 
 [     43.581124] [<c0052010>] (call_timer_fn) from [<c0052718>] (run_timer_softirq+0x25c/0x2a8) 
 [     43.581150] [<c0052718>] (run_timer_softirq) from [<c001ec08>] (__do_softirq+0x124/0x2e4) 
 [     43.581175] [<c001ec08>] (__do_softirq) from [<c001f038>] (irq_exit+0x80/0xdc) 
 [     43.581201] [<c001f038>] (irq_exit) from [<c00476bc>] (__handle_domain_irq+0x78/0x90) 
 [     43.581226] [<c00476bc>] (__handle_domain_irq) from [<c00086cc>] (gic_handle_irq+0x38/0x50) 
 [     43.581250] [<c00086cc>] (gic_handle_irq) from [<c0011d40>] (__irq_svc+0x40/0x74) 
 [     43.581266] Exception stack(0xc0a69ef0 to 0xc0a69f38) 
 [     43.581285] 9ee0:                                       00000139 00000000 00000866 000003e8 
 [     43.581306] 9f00: 00000001 c0a68038 8d4fdf3b 83126e97 00000001 c0add118 2595a0f5 0000000a 
 [     43.581325] 9f20: 00000000 c0a69f38 c00583dc c03b18fc 00000013 ffffffff 
 [     43.581353] [<c0011d40>] (__irq_svc) from [<c03b18fc>] (lpm_cpuidle_enter+0x3f4/0x420) 
 [     43.581379] [<c03b18fc>] (lpm_cpuidle_enter) from [<c03add68>] (cpuidle_enter_state+0xb8/0x254) 
 [     43.581408] [<c03add68>] (cpuidle_enter_state) from [<c003f434>] (cpu_startup_entry+0x1d8/0x2ac) 
 [     43.581439] [<c003f434>] (cpu_startup_entry) from [<c0a20bd4>] (start_kernel+0x32c/0x398) 
 [     43.581456] ---[ end trace b1a68bbeb03c7036 ]--- 

 h2. iptables 

 root@mdm9607-perf:/sbin# iptables --version 
 iptables v1.4.12.1 

 h2. reboot 

 root@mdm9607-perf:/sbin# cat ./reboot-recovery 
 #! /bin/sh 

 echo 2 > /etc/reboot-cookie 

 root@mdm9607-perf:/sbin# cat ./reboot-bootloader 
 #! /bin/sh 

 echo 1 > /etc/reboot-cookie 
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