



CCCamp2023 port allocation » History » Revision 6

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laforge, 08/14/2023 10:50 AM

Interested parties / planning

As of August 13, 8am (etherpad lines: 22) we have the following people listed interest in connectivity, grouped roughtly in clusters where we might place a point of presence

POC (Siemens Fastlink in POC tent corner)

jolly operates his Siemens FastLink AN here.

Qty Nick Village Grid Own cable length
3 gruetzkopf AadS N12
1 r007 AadS N12
1 tnt AadS N12
1 rotrot chaospost O13 200m
2 manawyrm Geheimorganisation P9 300m
1 cyroxx ChaosZone O12


Qty Nick Village Grid Own cable length
1 cent vicky Q9
2 Lucent milliways R8 50m
2 komm family or blimp P7/Q9
1 deraffe ZSH R10 100m
2 psentee kittenspace W11 500m


Qty Nick Village Grid Own cable length
1 honnel SKB R13 50m
N Quantum/laird_dave/Wonka/highTower CERT S14 800m


Qty Nick Village Grid Own cable length
1 nebukad kidspace P6 100m
1 andreasdotorg family village kitchen Q6 800m
2 komm family or blimp P7/Q9
2 dl8xas CCCHH O7
1 dl8xas c3toc N7
1 synpusep Neighborhood Nerds O8
1-3 cf team32 P8


Qty Nick Village Grid Own cable length
1 blocktrron NORT ? 100m
1 ? unterland Q11 20m

Actual CCCamp2023 port allocation

V5 AN Port Extension(s) User
Berlin 1
Berlin 2
Berlin 1001
Berlin 1002
Hamburg 1
Hamburg 2
Hamburg 1001
Hamburg 1002
Leipzig 1
Leipzig 2
Leipzig 1001
Leipzig 1002

Updated by laforge 11 months ago · 6 revisions

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