


ISDN Switches » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (laforge, 08/27/2023 10:14 AM) → Revision 2/12 (laforge, 07/08/2024 07:14 AM)

h1. ISDN Switches 

 ISDN Switches (or ISDN exchanges) were digital telephony exchanges supporting the ISDN protocol.   

 All major manufacturers of telephony switching equipment produced ISDN-capable switches at some point.    In Germany, Alcaltel S12 and Siemens EWSD were the two widely deployed ISDN switches. 

 h2. Preserved digital telephony switches (mostly ISDN capable) 

 |_.Manufacturer|_.Model|_.Used in Country|_.Location/Owner|_.Operational|_.24/7|_.Contact| 
 |Siemens|EWSD|Germany|@jolly (Dörphof, Germany)|Yes|No|@jolly| 
 |Siemens|EWSD|Czech Republic|Brno, Czech Republic|Yes|Yes|jpesak| 
 |Siemens|EWSD|Germany|MSPT Heusenstamm, Germany|Yes|No|?| 
 |SEL Alcatel|S12|Germany|Fernmeldemuseum Bottmersdorf, Germany|No|No|?| 
 |SEL Alcatel|S12|Germany|MSPT Heusenstamm, Germany|No|No|@NT2MKU| 

 h2. Further reading 

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