


Teletex » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (laforge, 01/15/2023 05:38 PM) → Revision 4/9 (laforge, 02/04/2023 05:28 PM)

h1. Teletex 

 Teletex is a mostly-forgotten technology somewhere between [[Telex]] and [[Telefax]]: 
 * like Telex, it transmitted data as characters 
 ** however, Teletex supports a more complete alphabet with lowercase characters and special characters (Telex: Only 5-bit uppercase) 
 * like Telefax, it transmitted formatted entire pages/documents 
 ** however, Teletex transmits the text characters and their formatting (Telefax: A raster-pixel-image). 

 Teletex was invented aroud 1981. German operation was from 1981 through 1993. 

 h2. Terminal Devices 

 Early/Simple Teletex devices are typically built from pre-existing daisy-wheel typewriters with single-line memory/editing/display capability.    Those typewriters were extended with additional communications hardware and software in order to receive and/or transmit in Teletex format. 

 Later, more complex Teletex devices were text/word processing systems, either dedicated or in the form of personal computers.    Those were then likewise extended with a Teletex communications hardware + software. 


 h2. Network 

 Teletex is designed to use a [[CSPDN__Datex-L|CSPDN]] (circuit-switched public data network).    The Teletex user equipment interfaces to the network via a 2400 bps synchronous [[X21|X.21]] interface. 

 ITU specifications also specify operation of Teletex over PSPDN, PSTN or ISDN networks, but it is not known if any of this was ever deployed anywhere. 

 h2. Communications protocol (stack) 

 * X.21 is used as physical layer (synchronous 2400 bps) 
 * X.21 is used for CSPDN signaling, i.e. for dialing the call 
 * once the transparente bit-synchronous 2400bps channel is established via X.21, the following protocols are spoken (from bottom to top): 
 ** X.75 SLP in HDLC framing with parameters as per T.70 section 
 ** T.62 session layer 
 ** T.62 document layer 

 h2. Relevant Specifications 

 * ITU-T F.200 (Teletex service) 
 * ITU-T T.61 (Teletex character set) 
 * ITU-T X.21 (interface) 
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