



Project sdrangelove


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Supported Hardware

While primarily being developed for the OsmoSDR hardware, sdrangelove as well supports:


The sdrangelove code can be checked out with:

git clone

It can also be browsed on

If you are going to "fork it on github" and enhance it, don't leave it bitrot there - contribute back and submit your patches to: osmocom-sdr at The amount (and quality) of contribution from the commmunity will have a direct impact on the availability of new features.

Alternatively, you can also contribute by creating a fork + pull request on

Mailing List / Forum

We discuss sdrangelove

Building the software


Download and install Qt5 from

Build and install gr-osmosdr master (gnuradio required) or standalone branch (gnuradio not required), see below for build instructions...

Pulseaudio is requirement.


You have to install development packages for libusb1.0 to build the software.

Sdrangelove comes with built-in support for OsmoSDR and rtl-sdr. Additional hardware support is available through a gr-osmosdr plugin which will be built automaticaly if gr-osmosdr has been installed (see below for guidance).

Building with cmake:

cd sdrangelove/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/Qt/5.2.0/gcc_64/lib/cmake/

Running it:

cd sdrangelove
cd build/

Gnuradio Source

The Gnu Radio source requires a recent gnuradio (>= v3.7) to be installed.

The source supports direct device operation as well as a tcp client mode when using the rtl_tcp utility as a spectrum server.

Please note: prior pulling a new version from git and compiling it, please do a "make uninstall" from build directory first to properly remove the previous version.

Please note: you always should build & install the latest version of the dependencies before trying to build the gr source. The build system of gr-osmosdr will recognize them and enable specific source/sink components thereafter.

Building with cmake (as described in the [ gr-osmosdr wiki page":]):

git clone
cd gr-osmosdr/

You can build a standalone (no gnuradio required) version for gr-osmosdr by doing

git checkout standalone

then continue with

mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ../

Now cmake should print out a summary of enabled/disabled components. You may disable certain components by following guidelines shown by cmake. Make sure the device of your interest is listed here. Check your dependencies and retry otherwise.

-- ######################################################
-- # gr-osmosdr enabled components                         
-- ######################################################
--   * Python support
--   * Osmocom IQ Imbalance Correction
--   * sysmocom [[OsmoSDR]]
--   * FUNcube Dongle
--   * FUNcube Dongle Pro+
--   * IQ File Source
--   * Osmocom RTLSDR
--   * RTLSDR TCP Client
--   * Ettus USRP Devices
--   * Osmocom [[MiriSDR]]
--   * [[HackRF]] Jawbreaker
--   * nuand bladeRF
--   * RFSPACE Receivers
-- ######################################################
-- # gr-osmosdr disabled components                        
-- ######################################################
-- Building for version: 4c101ea4 / 0.0.1git
-- Using install prefix: /usr/local

Now build & install

sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Automated installation

Marcus D. Leech has kindly integrated the forementioned build steps into his gnuradio installation script at "This is the most user-friendly option so far.

You also may try the PyBOMBS developed by folks.


The following 3rd party plugins are available:

Name Author URL
pocsag who's first? ..
ads-b who's first? ..
apco p25 who's first? ..
tetra who's first? ..

Not using sdrangelove? Tell us why! :)


sdrangelove is developed by Christian Daniel of maintech GmbH with contributions from Hoernchen and Dimitri Stolnikov.

Updated by laforge 9 months ago · 21 revisions

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