


SoftwareLicensing » History » Version 7

steviehs, 05/24/2018 02:29 PM

1 1 laforge
2 4 laforge
h1. Software Licensing
4 6 laforge
In general, each of the Osmocom projects contains a @COPYING@ file in the soure code, containing the detailed software license of the respective project.  Please make sure to understand the license terms before using the software!
5 1 laforge
6 7 steviehs
h2. AGPLv3+: Most Osmocom Cellular infrastructure software
7 1 laforge
8 7 steviehs
The following notes apply to software described on this wiki, developed as part of the Osmocom project. Specifically, it applies to [[OsmoBSC:]], [[OsmoMGW:]], [[OsmoHNBGW:]], [[OsmoSGSN:]], [[OsmoBTS:]], [[OsmoMSC:]], [[OsmoHLR:]], [[Osmo-sip-conector:|OsmoSIP connector]], [[OpenBSC:]], [[OsmoNITB:]], gb_proxy, ipaccess-config, bsc_nat, osmo-bsc_mgcp, ...
9 4 laforge
10 7 steviehs
For reasons of simplicity, we always call it _OsmoCNI_ here.
11 4 laforge
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*OsmoCNI is copyrighted software like any other computer program.  In order to use [[cellular-infrastructure:|OsmoCNI]], you need a license from the copyright holders.*
13 1 laforge
If you do not arrange for a different license with the copyright holders, the software ships with a default license: The "AGPLv3": (GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3).
16 6 laforge
h3. General idea behind the AGPLv3 Licensing
17 1 laforge
18 7 steviehs
The general idea behind our licensing model is as follows:  You receive the full source code of the [[cellular-infrastructure:|OsmoCNI]] software and can use it like you see fit, *but* we require you to release the source code of any modifications or derivative work you create.
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With AGPL, it does not matter whether you ever distribute the [[cellular-infrastructure:|OsmoCNI]] software.  As soon as you provide a GSM network using [[OsmoCNI:]], all users are entitled to receive a copy of the license text and the _complete corresponding source code_ of the very version you are using to run the GSM network with.
21 4 laforge
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h2. GPLv2+: libosmocore, [[OsmoPCU:]], [[OsmoSTP:]], [[openggsn:|OsmoGGSN]]
23 4 laforge
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[[libosmocore:]] (and its siblings @libosmogsm@, @libosmovty@, @libosmoctrl@, etc.) as well as [[OsmoPCU:]], [[OsmoSTP:]] and [[openggsn:|OsmoGGSN]] are licensed under "GNU GPL Version 2, or any later version".  This means at the time of this writing, you can license them under either "GPLv2": or "GPLv3":
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As both GPLv2 and GPLv3 are _strong copyleft_ licenses, it means that creating a derivative work of the library and an executable program will require that executable program to be under the same GPL version.
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If you use the libraries together with the Osmocom executable programs (see above), then libosmocore will be licensed under GPLv3, which is compatible with the AGPLv3 of the executable programs.
29 4 laforge
h2. Questions
32 1 laforge
33 5 laforge
If you have any questions regarding the licenses used in the Osmocom project, please contact the project authors *before* you create any kind of product or a derivative work.
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