


Compile-with-sercomm » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (gnutoo, 02/19/2016 10:49 PM) → Revision 6/10 (gnutoo, 02/19/2016 10:49 PM)

To compile nuttx-bb with sercomm, do the following steps: 

  * Clone osmocom-bb and nuttx-bb, they must reside in the same directory and you shouldn't change the name of the osmocom-bb directory. 
 git clone git:// 
 git clone git:// 
  * Put the gnuarm(for 64bit) or the codesourcery(for 32bit) 
   in your path(there is a problem with gnuarm for 32bit). 
  * Compile osmocom-bb as usual 
 cd osmocom-bb/src 
 cd ../../ 
  * Configure Compile nuttx-bb: 
 cd nuttx-bb/nuttx/tools/ 
 ./ compal_e88/nsh #for compal_e88( gta02 and Motorola W220). 
 ./ compal_e99/nsh #for compal_e99( motorolla c155 ) 
  * Modify your configuration(nuttx/.config): 

  * compile nuttx-bb: 
 cd ../ 
  * nuttx.bin is ready for beeing loaded like any other firmware (Loading nuttx-bb is not different from loading osmocom-bb, refer to the pages related to osmocom-bb for informations on how to load a firmware in your phone.) 

 == Running == 
 Once you loaded nuttx-bb you should see the following appearing on sercomm: 
 Preparing block 61, block checksum is 0xda  
 handle_write_block(): 1024 bytes (1024/1024) 
 handle_write_block(): Block 61 finished 
 Received block ack from phone 
 Preparing block 62, block checksum is 0xd8  
 handle_write_block(): 1024 bytes (1024/1024) 
 handle_write_block(): Block 62 finished 
 Received block ack from phone 
 Preparing the last block, filling 386 bytes, block checksum is 0xaf  
 handle_write_block(): 1024 bytes (1024/1024) 
 handle_write_block(): Block 63 finished 
 Finished, sent 63 blocks in total 
 Received block ack from phone 
 Sending checksum: 0x0e  
 Checksum on phone side matches, let's branch to your code 
 Branching to 0x00820000 
 Received branch ack, your code is running now! 

 NuttShell (NSH) 

 To interact with it run the script that can be found in nuttx/drivers/sercomm/ in the nuttx sources. 
 sudo ./  
 will produce the following output on sercomm: 
 nsh> help 
 Builtin Apps:  
 and type 'help' for more NSH commands. 

 NSH command forms: 
   [nice [-d <niceness>>]] <cmd> [> <file>|>> <file>] [&] 
   if <cmd> 
     [sequence of <cmd>] 
     [sequence of <cmd>] 
 Where <cmd> is one of: 
   [ <expression> ] 
   cat <path> [<path> [<path> ...]] 
   cp <source-path> <dest-path> 
   dd if=<infile> of=<outfile> [bs=<sectsize>] [count=<sectors>] [skip=<sectors>] 
   echo [<string> [<string>...]] 
   exec <hex-address> 
   kill -<signal> <pid> 
   losetup [-d <dev-path>] | [[-o <offset>] [-r] <dev-path> <file-path>] 
   ls [-lRs] <dir-path> 
   mb <hex-address>[=<hex-value>][ <hex-byte-count>] 
   mkfifo <path> 
   mh <hex-address>[=<hex-value>][ <hex-byte-count>] 
   mw <hex-address>[=<hex-value>][ <hex-byte-count>] 
   sh <script-path> 
   sleep <sec> 
   test <expression> 
   usleep <usec> 
   xd <hex-address> <byte-count> 
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